Sunday, September 9, 2012

How Much Authority Do Agents Have?

In recent days there has been increased discussion of the Code among rebellious miners. In a way this is good, because they're taking an interest in the things of the New Order, and they're recognizing the importance of understanding their new government. However, most highsec miners come from a background of anarchy, lawlessness, and chaos, so they find it very difficult to wrap their minds around the Code. Other miners only study the Code to find errors or loopholes that they can exploit so that they can violate the spirit of the Code.

I was notified that some Elonaya miners engaged in a lengthy debate with our Agents about whether Agents have authority under the Code to bump miners who fail to pay their mining fees. They even questioned whether miners need to purchase mining indulgences at all! And then I read an anonymous commenter on this website who posted a 600-word essay on all of the "flaws" he had found in the Code.

It seems it's time for a refresher course on what the Code is, and in particular, what role Agents play in its enforcement. As we all know, and as the Code says, the New Halaima Code of Conduct is a living, breathing document. It reflects the best ideals and highest aspirations of highsec. It does not attempt to specifically enumerate every rule that miners must follow; the rules listed are emanations of the spirit of the Code. These emanations are intended to guide and instruct those who would follow the Code, but not to set or imply limits on the Code itself.

That being the case, who interprets the Code and enforces its spirit? I do. I serve as the Supreme Protector of various sytems in highsec, and as Saviour of Highsec, I have authority over all highsec miners.

What about Agents? They are, as the name implies, my representatives. They are not required to apply for membership, or even to exchange any words with me. Agents are simply people who believe in the Code, support the New Order, and take action. Anyone who wishes to enforce the Code is free to do so, and has full authority to notify miners of their violations, link in local, bump non-compliant miners, and collect mining fees.

Remember the purpose of Agents. I cannot be online 23/7. I cannot be present in every system when I am online. And I cannot bump every miner simultaneously when I am in a system. Agents are the solution to this problem. They act as emanations of the Supreme Protector, and have full authority to do what the Supreme Protector does.

At this point I would caution miners against attempting to take a pedantic or legalistic approach to the Code. A miner's job is to obey the Code, not dissect it for his own purposes. Showing a lack of respect for the Code in his manner is inconsistent with the spirit of the Code, and is therefore a violation of it. Rather than nitpicking, a miner should pay his 10 million isk, or risk bump.


  1. What, pray, is the New Order's view of afk high-sec mission running? Having read the code, I find its spirit almost directly applicable to afk/bot mission running given the similarities.

    1. They're fair game. We focus on AFK miners because they're in need of extra attention, but it's open season on mission-runners in highsec, as far as I'm concerned.

  2. The rules listed are emanations of the spirit of the Code. These emanations are intended to guide and instruct those who would follow the Code, but not to set or imply limits on the Code itself.


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