Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Calling All Linguists

I got an EVEmail from Agent Raqn Paudeen in which he made an interesting suggestion to help out his fellow bumpers. We have been encountering a number of miners who cannot speak English (or at least pretend not to). We've had our share of experiences with Google Translate, but what if we got some extra help?

Raqn's suggestion is to have certain common phrases get translated into other languages by people who actually speak those languages fluently. From what I've seen, Russian tends to be the most common language for non-English-speaking miners, but others report German being used with some frequency.

If you can translate such phrases into another language, leave a comment with the phrase and its translation. If we get enough genuine translations, perhaps I can make a future post with an abbreviated bumper "guidebook", like those pamphlets they give to tourists so they can ask people where the biblioteca is. Agents could refer to the post and copy-pasta them into local, startling the miners with the power of multiculturalism.

I know what some of you rascals are thinking, but no funny business! Google Translate and other speakers of the language will ensure that we don't get pranked into cursing the poor miners.

I'll offer a couple key phrases for translation, but don't get too inflexible. If you speak a language well, you probably know ways of making the translation seem more "authentic" by spicing it up with non-basic words. With that in mind:

"Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

"You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

"Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

"Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"


  1. Im no an agent but I can help with spanish! x3

    "Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    -Hola! Estas en tu teclado, o eres otro minero fuera de el teclado o un botter? Porfavor responde dentro de cinco segundos o pensare lo pero."

    "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    -Haz sido encontrado culpable de violacion de el Codigo. Debes pagar 10 millones the isk o arriesgas ser bumpeado.

    "Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

    -Tus miserables insultos no te conseguiran nada. Tu debes coperar.

    "Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"

    Tu nombre sera escrito con una pluma roja si continuas. Haz tu pago y unete a la Nueva orden!

    Spanish is my main language. lol x3

    1. Typo!

      -Hola! Estas en tu teclado, o eres otro minero fuera de el teclado o un botter? Porfavor responde dentro de cinco segundos o pensare lo PEOR(not pero)."

      Mentioned with emphasiz on the O

  2. "Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    In german:
    Hallo! Bist du da oder bist du wieder einer dieser afk miner? Bitte antworte innerhalb von 5 sekunden oder ich nehmer das schlimmste an

  3. "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    Du wurdest für schuldig befunden den Kodex zu verletzen. Zahle mit mir 10 Millionen isk oder riskiere den bump

    1. *Zahle mir 10 Millionen isk oder riskiere den bump

  4. In french :

    "Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    (Tu - familiar tone)
    -Bonjour, es-tu à ton clavier ou bien ais-je encore affaire à un bot ou mineur AFK ? En l'abscence de réponse dans les 5 prochaines secondes, j'envisagerai le pire.

    "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    (Vous - more formal tone)
    - Vous avez été déclaré coupable de violation du Code. Acquittez vous de l'amende de 10 million ISK ou vous serez bumpés. Référez vous à pour plus de détails.

    "Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

    (Tu - familiar tone)
    - M'insulter ne t'amèneras à rien, tu n'as pas d'autre choix que de coopérer.

    "Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"

    (Vous - more formal tone)
    - Dernière sommation après quoi vous serez inscrit sur la liste rouge. Payez votre dû et rejoignez le Nouvel Ordre sur le champ !

  5. "Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    Simple Polish, just for an ordinary miner: "Witaj, jesteś przy klawiaturze, czy kopiesz na afku albo botujesz? Odpowiedz w 5 sekund, bo inaczej uznam że tak właśnie jest."

    A bit spiced-up one, I would say more inquisition style: "Witaj! Azaliż przed klawiaturą swą się znajdujesz, alboli kolejnym duchem nieobecnym kopaczem bądź, co gorsza, botterem jesteś? Udziel odpowiedzi w przeciągu 5 sekund, w przeciwnym razie uznam Twą winę!"

    "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    Zostajesz uznany winnym pogwałcenia praw Reguły! Zapłać mi 10 milionów ISKów, bądź naraź się na bumpowanie. Odwiedź w celu poznania szczegółów."

    "Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

    "Twe nędzne pogróżki w niczym ci nie pomogą. Musisz się podporządkować."

    "Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"

    "Twoje imię zostanie nakreślone Czerwonym Piórem, jeśli nie zaprzestaniesz. Dokonaj opłaty i dołącz do Nowego Ładu!"

    New Order would be translated as "Nowy Ład", but you might want to leave the original name as it is.


    "Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    Hallo! Bist du an der Tastatur oder nur ein weiterer AFK miner oder botter? Bitte antworte innerhalb von 5 Sekunden oder ich nehme das schlimmste an.

    "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    Du wurdest für schuldig befunden den Code zu verletzen. Zahle mir 10 Millionen Isk oder riskiere einen Bump. Weiter Infos auf

    "Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

    Deine lächerlichen Beleidigungen werden dir nicht helfen. Du MUSST dich fügen.

    "Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"

    Dein Name wird auf unserer schwarzen Liste landen wenn du so weiter machst. Zahle und trete der neuen Ordnung bei.

    (I used black list instead of red pen. Writing a name with a red pen has no meaning in german except that the name is written in red^^).

  7. ¡SheoFapped, buen intento! Pero creo que el español no es tu primer idioma.

    Well, here comes my translations, in a good fashion for an speaker from Spain:

    "Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    ¡Hola, XXXXXX! ¿Estás al teclado, o eres otro minero Lejos del Teclado? ¿Un robot? Por favor, contesta en cinco segundos o asumiré la mala opción.

    "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    Has sido hallado culpable de violación del Código. Pagame 10 millones de ISK o arriesgate a ser empujado. Lee para los detalles.

    "Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

    Con insultos vacios no vas a ganar nada. Debes cumplir el Codigo.

    "Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"

    Tu nombre será escrito en Tinta Roja si continuas. ¡Haz el pago y unete al New Order!*

    This last sentence is a bit awkward in Spanish, but has some flavour in it and follows the great manners, language and style of James 315, our Saviour of Highsec. More stylish and following more standard Spanish will be:

    Tu nombre se incluirá en la Lista Negra si continuas. ¡Haz el pago y unete al New Order!

    But I find more tasty and in the spirit of James 315 the first one.

    Turning to other sides; James, yesterday at night, making a visit to my Research facilities in Lowsec Caldari space, it happened that my route included Kamio. Not being in a hurry I decided to pay a visit to one of the Ice Fields. What a sight! Unbelievable!! All the belt was sieged by Mackinaws, with a few Orcas near them; blue rays filling the space, as a cruel mock up of a great Fleet Battle, piercing the helpless Ice'roids without a moment of rest. Local almost dead... to add to the offense, I was on my unnoticeable Catalyst, without an Afterburner or a MWD to try to bump'em, but.... not having time to get to pickup a Cruiser (I was very far away from my Headquarters) I make a try against the nearer Mackinaw... and after two gentle bumps, it was put out of mining range!! With its mining lasers off it warped out the Belt... I had no time to even try to contact the pilot! Seeing my victory, I tried with other mackinaw, but my bumps moved the ship very little, so without effect I gave up... someone has to keep an eye on Kamio (and I suspect that the same is happening in Halaima) as long as James and the other Bumpers are out in their visit to Gallante Space. May be, if I have some spare time, I'll pick up a Cruiser to pay another visit to that Ice Belts.

    Hail The New Order of Highsec, hail James 315, hail all the Bumpers! Fight for The New Halaima Code of Conduct in the black hearts of the corrupt AFK miners, botters and Highsec Carebears!


  8. I don't really know if the New Order has had problems with Danish players who don't speak english, but I'll still offer the translation for the lines in any case.

    "Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    Hej! Er du ved dit tastatur, eller er du endnu en AFK-miner eller botter? Svar venligst indenfor 5 sekunder eller jeg antager det værste.

    "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    Du er blevet fundet skyldig i brud på Koden. Betal 10 millioner ISK til mig, eller risikér at blive skubbet væk. Se for flere detaljer.

    "Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

    Dine/Jeres ynkelige fornærmelser hjælper dig ikke. Du skal adlyde. (Translator Notes: That's a direct translation. "You must comply" would sound better in Danish by saying "Overgiv dig nu", which means "Surrender now". Also, "Your" translates to either "Dine" (Singular) or "Jeres" (Plural).)

    "Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"

    Dit navn vil blive skrevet med en Rød Pen hvis du fortsætter. Betal nu og slut dig til Den Nye Orden!" (Translator Notes: Again, a direct translation. Sadly, though, there's no better translation for it.)

    I hope this helps, as I've personally encountered quite a few Danish carebears who don't speak English, but still understand it well enough to understand the tutorials at the beginning of the game.

    1. One little note I forgot during the translation: Red Pen translates commonly into "Rød Kuglepen", but since I don't know for sure what kind of pen the Red Pen is, I decided to go with the common term for all handwriting-tools, which is just "Pen" in Danish. This covers both ballpens, pencils and permanent-markers (and even feather and ink if anyone still uses that).

      I also decided to translate "The New Order" into Danish, because some people are extremely picky about using English words in Danish sentences.

  9. I don't know if you encounter romanian miners but here it's my translation just in case:

    "Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    "Noroc! Esti in fata calculatorului si joci activ eve-online sau esti doar un miner AFK ori un botter? Te rog sa raspunzi in termen de 5 secunde sau voi presupune varianta cea mai rea."

    ("are you at keyboard" i translated are you in the front of computer and actively play eve-online?)

    "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    "Ai fost gasit vinovat de incalcarea Codului. Plateste-mi 10 milioane de isk sau risti sa fii ciocnit. Poti consulta pentru mai multe detalii."

    "Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

    "Insultele tale janice nu te vor ajuta cu nimic. Trebuie sa te supui."

    "Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"

    "Numele tau va fi scris pe o lista neagra daca vei continua. Plateste si alatura-te organizatiei New Order."

    ("your name will be written with a Red Pen" i translated as "your name will be written on a black list" because i have a feeling the Red Pen mean nothing for some ignorant miners; if you like the literally translation here it is:

    "Numele tau va scris cu Pixul Rosu daca vei continua. Plateste si alatura-te organizatiei New Order."

  10. OMG this is awesome. Reminds me of my days in rookie help!

    ~Murk Paradox

  11. In dutch (language of the Netherlands, part of belgium and the odd Caribean island):
    Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    Hallo! Zit jij achter het toetsenbord, of ben jij ook een afk miner of een botter? Graag antwoord binnen 5 secondes of ik ga van het slechtste uit.

    "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    Je bent schuldig aan het schenden van de Code. Betaal mij 10 miljoen isk of riskeer bumping. Zie voor de details.

    "Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

    Je mislukte beledigingen bereiken niets. je moet gehoorzamen.

    "Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"

    Je naam zal met een Rode Pen worden geschreven als je doorgaat. Betaal en kom bij de Nieuwe Orde!

  12. Italian:

    "Hello! Are you at your keyboard, or are you another AFK miner or botter? Please respond within 5 seconds or I assume the worst."

    "Salve! Sei alla tastiera o sei un minatore afk o un bot? Rispondi entro 5 secondi o dovro' pensare per il peggio."

    "You have been found guilty of violating the Code. Pay me 10 million isk or risk bump. See for details."

    Sei stato colto in violazione del Codice. Paga 10 milioni di isk o verrai bumpato (instead of "bumpato" you may use "allontanato con la forza" which may be translated as "moved away against your will", just to make it more italian). Vai su per maggiori dettagli."

    "Your petty insults will gain you nothing. You must comply."

    "I tuoi insignificanti insulti non ti aiuteranno. Devi attenerti al Codice"

    "Your name will be written with a Red Pen if you continue. Make your payment and join the New Order!"

    "Il tuo nome verra' aggiunto alla lista rossa se continui. Paga ed unisciti al New Order!"

    Keep up the good work "mates"!!


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