Monday, February 11, 2013

Fifty-Eight Billion in Shares Sold

I'm giving out Supreme Protector's Tips of the Hat™ like they're going out of style. But they're not going out of style; they're more relevant now than ever before. Hence the flow of share purchases: Daltzi purchased 4,000 shares and sent us past the 55, 56, 57, and 58 billion marks. In doing so, Daltzi has earned the honour of an amazing Quadruple Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™. Daltzi is now the proud owner of the third-largest collection of individually (not corp)-owned shares.

Keep those share purchases coming, and we'll keep punishing those who violate the Code. Rebels despair!


  1. 'not corp-owned'.. why aren't corp shares public?

    1. I'm pretty sure you can see ALL stock purchases made by both individuals and corporations in the archives. You don't see any in the big list to the left because there were no corp purchases this month. If you would like to get informed on corp purchases, i encourage you to check the archives to the lower left of this blog.

    2. Actually, having just looked at the Shareholder page, it looks like Daltzi is #3 on the list, even including corp shareholders. For a long time Gumby Inquisition Technologies was #1, but no longer.

    3. So what are you doing with all these money? Provide ganking ships? Bring some Talos to Deninard then, I'll be more than happy to help with ganking.

  2. "Rebels despair!"

    That's all they can do nowadays.


  3. "...sent us past the 45, 46, 47, and 48 billion marks."

    Should this read 55, 56, 57, and 58?

    1. It should have, and now it does. I can barely keep up with these numbers!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Daltzi is a true patron of the New Order. The name should bring despair to the rebels as their losses continue to mount. Our most exalted savior's charisma attracts the very best. All praise Daltzi! All praise James315!! All praise the New Order!!!

  6. Replies
    1. Your thetan level sounds kind of high. Can we interest you in a free Antimatter Audit session?

  7. Congrats to all the new share holders in the new order. And this is from an indy player who enjoys what james 315 brings to the eve sandbox


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