Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Our Bloody Valentine, Part 2

Previously, on MinerBumping... blood valentine of the Flower Revage Cartel began uttering mysterious threats against the New Order. He claimed that on March 1st, a terrible fate would befall anyone pledging loyalty to the New Order. When I paid a visit to Brapelille, valentine initiated a private convo.

Introductions were made. Well, my introduction was made. I didn't ask who he was.

valentine spoke on behalf of a miner who had some excuse for not following the Code. But the decision to destroy the miner's ship was not overturned.

With the pleasantries out of the way, it was time to get down to business. At long last, we would discover the identity of the mastermind behind Flower Revage Cartel and the mysterious March 1st deadline.

Disappointingly, it was the old "anonymous employer" gambit. In all of EVE's history, I doubt more than 1% of supposed "mercenary contracts" involved an employer who actually existed.

valentine urged me to fly into action to stop him. But it wasn't clear exactly what I was supposed to be stopping.

Our enemy's "occupy the ice field" movement struggled to exert any leverage. The New Order acted according to its own wishes, as usual.

Many have promised to suicide gank the permit-holders, but none have attempted it so far. Will valentine be the first?

Unfortunately, we would need to wait until March 1st to find out.

Out of nowhere, I was convoed by Szlam, the founder of Flower Revage Cartel. Would answers be forthcoming at long last?

In fact, Szlam wanted to talk about another matter. As with others who complained about their appearances in MinerBumping, Szlam was responsible for his own words, which he readily conceded.

Later, Szlam sent me an apology EVEmail. He had decided to step down as the CEO of Flower Revage Cartel and leave the corp. blood valentine became the interim CEO; the remaining two members being left in his capable hands.

valentine's reign as CEO got off to a rocky start when he made a threat against one of our Agents. Some say valentine was given a temporary time-out by CCP, but no one can say for sure. If true, Flower Revage Cartel lost a significant chunk of its firepower at a critical moment in its history.

Nevertheless, rumors about something happening on March 1st spread like wildfire among the highsec miners.

Rebel Lil Gangrel stoked the flames. He hoped to act as an informant to the resistance.

And so here we stand, on the precipice of the March 1st apocalypse. Will the permit-holding miners of highsec be slaughtered? Or will nothing happen? Regardless, I am confident that the Code-compliant miners of highsec will face any challenge with absolute courage and steely resolve, just as the brave Londoners held up against the Blitz so many years ago. After all, if a miner renounces his permit, he'll just get blown up by the Knights of the Order. Stay strong, miners!


  1. OK normally I'm with the supreme protector 100% but posting that mail was a dick move.

    1. Szlam berated us Agents and the New Order in Brapelille local for over a week, saying many unkind and insulting things about us, about the Code and about our families, our proclivities and alleging out of game sex crimes we were supposedly committing.

      Perhaps it would have been enough for James to say he apologized to James for his comments. He never apologized to me for what he said to me. And, without the post, our opponents would have just cast doubt upon James' comment.

      He can't treat us that way in public and then apologize in private. No, if just as an example to the other miners who cannot be civil in local, that apology had to be posted.


    2. @Bing Bangboom
      I thought you wanted to provoke a reaction. Isn't that your aim? You suceeded didn't you?

    3. Sometimes an apology in private is the best way. It helps to save face, but then again, egos get in the way a lot, and it leads to things like this. The only other examples I can think of are Capt. Lynch and Moonsong Miner.


    4. @Bing BangBoom
      Sorry I forgot to submit your views on these matters.

      Ref :The Agent's Guide to EVE-O Forums: Good Posting and Shit Posting
      @Bing Bangboom
      ' I find the best way to extract interesting and extreme remarks from our opponents is to maintain the attitude that the New Order is powerful, expanding, and driven by the purest of motives. The "true believer" posts have been some of the most successful at driving miners into threatening, insulting, and downright mind melting rage'

    5. Are you agreeing with me or do you believe that somehow contradicts what you quoted by me?

      In any case, I am never insulting or crude to bot aspirants. I just insist that what I am doing or saying is beyond their ability to resist. And then they sometimes become insulting or threatening. In local and in the forums. So they should apologize in public. Humiliating as that is because it teaches them to follow The Code. THATS why we provoke them. If only to show the other miners who is the good guy and who is the foul mouthed jerk who cannot see through what is happening to him.

    6. I'm glad James posted the mail, i really wish I'd known Szlam was suffering under nicotine withdraw. It's a bastard to get over, and I wish him all the best of luck getting over it. Good luck Szlam, the New Order is rooting for ya!

    7. @Bing
      "In any case, I am never insulting or crude to bot aspirants."

      Some would say that calling them bot aspirants is itself, insulting and crude. Let's use James 315 worshippers terminology for other things too...

      Are you male? Hmmm let me rephrase that for the folks here. Do you have a penis? If so, you are presumably aspiring to be a rapist! Yes that's right, most of you are rape aspirants.

      I'm sure you'll agree Bing, that's not insulting or crude is it.

  2. It is funny how these terrorists have everything backwards.

  3. Well, the way it seems is if you support the New Order, one resistance or another could blow up your ship. If you support the resistance, Knights blow up your ship if you don't run like hell. On another hand, even if you are a miner who, in my opinion, takes mining seriously and is at your keyboard the whole time, but don't pay the fee, you are gonna be blown up anyway. This is set up for the miner to lose, and EVE's whole economy to take a hit.

    ---Alistair Drake

    1. Alistair is conflating "miners lose" and "EVE's whole economy [taking] a hit". They aren't the same thing.

      This sort of confusion is characteristic of bot aspirants.

    2. So nothing has changed. Every miner in EVE, including those in highsec, are always in danger of attack any time another player feels like it. But if this latest threat is the one that gets your attention, perhaps now is the time to fit a resilient ship, choose a system carefully, and stay vigilant.

      (I'm betting no, all that would be too much trouble.)

    3. > even if you are a miner who, in my opinion, takes mining seriously and is at your keyboard the whole time, but don't pay the fee, you are gonna be blown up anyway.

      Stay aligned, fly a tanked Skiff, and scan local. This is the best flaw in the resistance's plan: any ganking of any miner merely encourages them more to be ATK and responding intelligently to possible threats. In the end, all hisec are servants of the Savior in their own way.

    4. I could reply with something hateful and how I feel betrayed about being lumped in with the carebears (whom I detest), after all the pro-New Order comments I have made. But I shall say something positive instead. I have always needed inspiration to practice letting loose a good metal yell/scream. And your replies gave that to me, and for that I thank you.


    5. Gotta give credit where credit is due after all.


    6. I shall clarify my statement as above.

      1) Yes, miners being disrupted does affect EVE's economy, which is driven by the players for the most part. With miners not mining as much, there will be less minerals for manufacturing, when there are less minerals, less ships and modules can be made from them, this will in turn make prices for these items rise in the market. The New Order will likely not be affected by the long-term effects due to having their own suppliers, but as the Order grows the effects will become stronger. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it will encourage smart miners to mine and corps to send escorts with mining ops and encourage their members to be ATK.

      2) There is plenty of evidence that the Knights of the New Order gank miners that support the resistance, and those miners must move is they don't want to pay for a permit and/or be ganked. The resistance has yet to prove they have the capability to do so.

      3) Since day 1, I have been paranoid about who I am sharing a system with, and scan local every 2 seconds. You can thank the corp CEO for teaching me that. So no one need bring up insinuations of laziness towards me, as they are unfounded and untrue. And I have never been a bot-aspirant, nor intend to act like one.


  4. I'm going to start a movement. A movement where my followers and I gank miners that follow the code. We will also gank miners that don't follow the code. I'm going to call it...Eve.

    1. You are very bad at disguising sarcasm, as far as I can tell. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


    2. I think he is serious. And I think he filled in another bingo card square.

      I have yet to see a single code compliant miner get ganked, despite repeated threats to do so.

      Actually acting on a threat is extremely rare for miners.

  5. There are so many of us now.

    Ever since our predators were threatened away, we rabbits have eaten in peace and safety. But the grass is running out; the fields have grown brown and sparse from our incessant nibbling. The countryside is dying, while we graze and starve in blissful silence.

    So great is our hunger that many of us have begun to graze in our sleep. The foxes have taken note of this: even though they are forbidden to harm us rabbits, a fox will poke a sleeper with its nose, then gently carry it to a patch of barren ground. The rabbit's lips will keep working, masticating the dead soil, until it swallows a pebble and chokes its way back to consciousness.

    Other times, the foxes appear suddenly and in packs, descending with fangs bared upon our slumbering drove. In the space of a minute they make a grand massacre of us, strewing the land with our torn, bleeding bodies before surrendering to the wardens. The foxes do not even struggle as they are thrown in cages and taken away, but they eye us knowingly: we will be seeing them again soon.

    And indeed, they arrive again, sometimes within minutes, sometimes days. When they do, the rabbits begin to cower and complain to the wardens, their mouths still half-stuffed with grass. They still haven't grasped the foxes' design -- every time a I see a fellow grazer slain, a little life returns to the world.

  6. Great. But have you ever heard of the white killer-rabbit? It's still out there...

  7. Then gather up and watch yer back. Let the miners alone. As sometimes out there a miner suddenly will fall to the legendary killeroid, maybe you all fall someday to the defious miner ship of the white killer-rabbit. And if it goes to worse, the Killeroid is with him. Then say not, I haven't warned you ^^

  8. "Many have promised to suicide gank the permit-holders, but none have attempted it so far. Will valentine be the first?"

    A minor correction: two rebels have attempted to suicide gank me for being a permit holder so far. One, Volkrie, used a thrasher, and rampaged through my shields until they were damaged to 95% remaining. another, Jennifer En Marland, went into overkill mode and engaged my retriever with a brutix. Hilarity ensued as a nearby agent, (Agent Eunoli if I recall correctly?), bumped the offending brutix with her stabber mid-gank, foiling the gank with a display of adaptive ingenuity. So, while valentine can no longer be the first rebel to attempt to gank a permit-holder, the opportunity to conduct the first successful attempt is still open.

    I foresee a glorious future, in which the rebels have learned that the way to successfully gank permit-holders, is to copy the organization and methods of the New Order. After mastering ganking against the theoretically hard targets of more heavily tanked and non-afk permit-holders, these rebels will then start out their careers with the New Order as seasoned gankers--once they realize that non-permit holders are superior targets both morally and practically. Inevitably, an increase in ganking will always eventually favor the New Order.

    1. I remember that!

      That was definitely me. The timing of it was great.

      I admired Jennifer En Marland's spunk to actually attempt to do ganks. I don't know if she was ever successful but she tried a couple of times on my invincible Stabber Fleet Issue.

      I wonder how well these guys will do. I am curious if they will actually attempt anything on Saturday and, if they do, will they continue on to Sunday. ;)

      Good luck resistance! And the irony of going out there to gank miners is not lost on me.

  9. Replies
    1. Then why are you here, little miner?

    2. Because he wants to read the failure that is the New Order.

    3. Because mining is even more boring. Mining is literally so empty and soul-crushing that the miners read blogs about people who hate them while their lasers cycle. The only break from the monotony comes from the sound of six Catalysts opening fire on your ship.

    4. "Because he wants to read the failure that is the New Order."

      By what standard, miner? We explode billions of ISK worth of barges and implants each week. We are rapidly rising to the top of the kill charts.

      Your own comments here prove you are in fear.

      Do continue crying for us. Your tears feed the New Order machine.

  10. Always a good laugh, reading your blog. Keep the funnies rolling.

  11. They say a man can be measured by the quality and ferocity of his enemies. In this regard I think we need new enemies because this bunch are a joke. March 1st 2013 seems destined to become a comedy moment in Eve's history the only danger being getting a hernia from laughing too much.

    Can we not catch a few more FA QQers AFK mining in highsec please, because we gotta be honest here the flower power just ain't cutting it for me?

    1. I too, am disappointed by these wardecs.

      I was hoping for non-CONCORDDOKKEN kill targets, but these little cowards just dock up and pout.

      Oh well, we'll just have to keep asploding their barges.

    2. I haven't seen these enemies myself, but they sound like a total let-down.


  12. The date will change to 2013-03-01.

    That's probably bout all.


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