Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sixty Billion in Shares Sold

No one can stop Starfox from doing what he wants to do. Today we've gone over 60,000 shares sold. Today's Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™ goes to Capt Starfox, whose purchase of 200 shares earns him the honour. Sixty billion in shares sold! Incredible. But let's not be content to stop there--more miners need to go kablooey!


  1. The New Order is an emergent gameplay dream, the proof that EVE is a special and unique game. Thanks for what you're doing, guys.

  2. The New Order is going to be bigger than T4U. James is more badass than Bad Bobby.

  3. Tomorrow, at 21:00 eve time Capt Starfox will sing the New Order Anthem on TS... or pay me 90,000,000.00 isk.

    Grats Capt!

  4. You cannot reason with or negotiate with the miners. You need to exterminate them.

  5. I used to play Starfox 64, so I have first-hand experience of his valor and combat skill. I'm glad that he's on our side. Starfox does what Starfox wants!

  6. It is our duty to educate new players about the nature of the game, failing which, we must blow them up.

    - Amyclas

  7. Thanks guys, it's an honor to help support the cause!

    And John, if you want to hear me sing got to give me more of a heads up than a few seconds after logging into TS! ..You and your 90m I should have never asked if that 10m was enough!!! Lol.


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