Friday, July 5, 2013

The Artwork Continues

Varvara M is a very prolific painter these days. Just think about all of the previously-undiscovered talent that has been tapped by the New Order! While you're reflecting on that, here's some more Varvara masterpieces:

The New Order has reimbursed more Catalysts than you can shake a Light Ion Blaster II at. Code violators be warned--and the rest of us, rejoice!

It's difficult to imagine a more dignified way to spam Jita than with fine recruitment posters such as this one.

Finally, this piece really captures the democratic nature of my election to the position of Saviour of Highsec. This is pretty much how highsec looked when I first showed up in Halaima. Good times!

Permanent links to all supporter artwork may be found on the Links page.


  1. Glory to the New Order!

    Humanity will be saved!

    1. How's that then?

    2. National union of mineworkersJuly 5, 2013 at 10:27 PM

      Mining at the keyboard, not paying 10 mill isk. That's the way of the national union of mine workers. So no glory to the NEW ORDER.

  2. Nice, but why does the last one have Coercers instead of Catalysts?

    1. I think you meant to ask why the first two were gay-llente ships. Amarr Victor!

    2. Erotica 1 uses coercers oos she's too lazy to train into catalysts.


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