Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Robotnik-Aspirant, Part 3

Previously, on MinerBumping... After yellowboxing me with a Drake, Dr Robotnik-x attempted to engage me in a debate about the virtues of miner bumping. After losing that debate, Robotnik started stirring up the local miners--who threatened a full-on carebear rebellion.

I earned my paycheck as Saviour of Highsec by quickly defusing the situation. I reminded the miners of their helplessness, selfishness, and greed. The revolution was postponed.

After the hoped-for army of minerdom failed to materialize, Robotnik renewed his anti-Order propaganda.

...Good luck winning a propaganda fight against the New Order. Some gentle mockery resulted in the end of Robotnik's yellowboxing. His Drake retired from the field of battle.

Aztec Proxy lost confidence in his ability to rally the troops, so he resorted to some weird internet meme about redheads.

With Robotnik's Drake out of the way, the rebels lost their heavy artillery. I slapped Xari Regiri's Hulk around like a hockey puck.

When he awoke, Xari was stunned. He had never seen anything like it.

I had Xari's full attention, so I took the opportunity to introduce him to the Code. He had never read the Code before, but expressed an interest. Compliance was within reach.

Disgusted by the scene unfolding in local, Robotnik took some time to stick up for AFK miners. In his topsy-turvy worldview, AFK miners should be less subject to attack!

Robotnik and his Drake were docked up. He no longer felt the need to yellowbox me, but he couldn't get back to mining because he didn't want to risk being bumped around. He fumed from inside a station.

Suspicions ran rampant. The carebears, so consumed by their own greed, couldn't see the generosity of an Agent of the New Order--even as it was bumping them in the face!

Xari's commitment to non-AFK mining began to flag. Sitting several dozen kilometers out of mining range put him into a contemplative mood. Philosophy is fine, but I reminded him of the overriding importance of the here and now.

No matter how hard he tried, the stain of Robotnik's yellowboxing efforts couldn't be washed away. It was on his permanent record. Only a payment of 30 million isk would do any good.

It was then that Robotnik became more dangerous than ever. He was back was against the wall. In a flash, he developed a new conspiracy theory. If proven true, it could break the New Order wide open.

To be continued...


  1. "How much did you make yellowboxing in your drake? Feel free to round up."

    Another classic.

    And Bing, what an honor bro!

  2. so James 315 is really bing bangboom? That's it, time to dissolve the Order, the jig is up! you can't even argue with the guys logic, it's so obvious now! We should have all seen this from the beginning!

  3. "The carebears, so consumed by their own greed, couldn't see the generosity of an Agent of the New Order--even as it was bumping them in the face!"

    My sides :D

  4. Wait...James is Bing, but James is also The Mittani, so Bing is The Mittani! I must alert the media!

    1. Could I unknowingly be one of James' alts too? How would I know if I was?

    2. so basically the carebears are impersonating someone who claims to know that james 315 and the other new order guys are someones alts?

      i believe that is petitonable now.... :D

      agent selina

  5. It's funny how James takes himself seriously,as long as I don't receive ISK I can't call it benefit.

    If I got paid every weeks, I might follow the "Code" and stop watching TV while mining ;)

    I still see the new order like somekind of school bully who force people to give him money or he'll beat the living shit out of them xD

    1. if you want to be paid every week by the code then just enforce it.
      you are invited.
      weaponchoice is yours. just be true to the code.

      agent selina

    2. Typical carebear, the only benefit they understand is money. Sad bunch.

  6. Brother James, another inspiring go at the non believers.

    Robotnik is like an addict. You remove his crack and he goes into painful withdrawls. And while some might see this reaction and call us monsters for enacting such a state, the truth of the matter could not be more opposite, for we are liberating this one enslaved man and helping him to break into a new state of understanding. In this case my brothers and sisters, the ends do justify the means.


  7. "Your using AFK miners as an excuse to go after people who arent even at their keyboards"--Dr Robotnik-x

    Classic (and he should be red penned for not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're")

  8. I suppose it's also embarrassing that you get so worked up over what you read on this site. That makes three.

  9. Exactly. James shouldn't have to be associated with riff-raff like me, and that's my very point. Thanks for backing me up, mate.

  10. "i target you a few times and you wont shut up about it"
    like a puppy that makes a mess on the floor.
    eventually he learns to scratch at the door, or he ends up chained to a tree in the yard.

  11. James is bing?!?! That would be a violation of the (new) ToS....a banhammer awaits.

    All hail the New Order!

  12. I was wondering when Minerbumping: The Erotic Fanfic would be written.

  13. Good thing I have Evasive Maneuvering 5 trained.

  14. Im saddened that James didn't take my advise about getting a life. Although I would like to thank the new order for making me and my friends laugh. You're clearly in the wrong business. Of course james is bing. Bing already has at least 3 confirmed alts and he never logs out, just sitting in a station. Every time i log in i see him. I know he's either playing with another alt somewhere or putting cream on his roids.


    P.S. Fix those typos. If your going to act all high and mighty you cant have grammatical and spelling errors on your sad little website :D

    1. I'm*, New Order*, "Although I would like to thank the new order for making me and my friends laugh" syntax error, James*, Bing*, I*, you're*

      You aren't very bright, are you?


    2. You left out advice*, another I*, and can't*.

      Oh and it's "Dr Robotnik-x".

    3. Hmmm. Nothing bright at all in this entire site, either side. LOL.

    4. "You're just using [Away From Keyboard] miners as an excuse to go after miners who aren't at their keyboards" - Dr Robotnik-x

      You don't say? Please, tell me how you acquired your amazing deductive powers, Mr. Robotnik.

    5. Lol Robotnik the only thing you could do to embarass yourself even more was to tell others to fix their grammar...and you did.

  15. Using afk miners as an excuse to go after miners who aren't at their keyboards

    what an astonishing statement

  16. Hey james. Tell them the part about how bing came after my drake in 3 different ships and couldn't get my shields past 75% before he ran away. Haven't seen him in kino since. I guess your agents give up easily lol

    Dr robotnik-x


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