Monday, March 31, 2014

Don't Cry For E Highsec

Nearly eight years ago, CCP accidentally permabanned me for "trial abuse" (I didn't have a trial account). I petitioned the ban. After a week, I was allowed to return the game--perhaps the only EVE player to have survived the experience. I wasn't done with EVE just yet. When Erotica 1 sent me a screenshot of the "Banned" pop-up from her EVE client, some of those memories came rushing back.

In particular, the "number of visits" stat that you get when banned. I hadn't thought of that in years. There's such a finality to it. Yeah, and I noticed GM Grave's reason for banning Erotica 1 wasn't very persuasive.

The greatest thing that can be said of an EVE player is that he or she has a legacy that lives on after he or she is permabanned.

The reason-less ban of Erotica 1 sent a shockwave through the EVE community. But it also reminded us of the importance of serving the Code while we still can.

And for those leaving the game, I will happily see to it that your remaining assets are put to good use in highsec. (For the record, I don't know if Piter Bakunin's departure from EVE had anything to do with the recent controversy, or if it's just a coincidence.)

I would like to share an inspiring story from a gentleman named Kegan Bjornson. He is a former rebel.

Kegan didn't just rebel against the Code, he acted as a white knight, trying to interrupt ganks to save the AFK bot-aspirants. Until he couldn't take it anymore. He knew in his gut that the New Order was right and the carebears were wrong.

Kegan knew he had to make up for his crimes against the Code. To start with, he suicide ganked a fail-fit hauler with an Apocalypse. But that was only the start.

The former rebel apologized to those whom he harmed, and he sent in a bunch of money to show how serious he was. Kegan, on behalf of highsec, I forgive you.

With all of that having been said, it's time to distribute some Supreme Protector's Tips of the Hat™. A lot of people have been buying more stock lately. Sasha Nyemtsov's purchase of 500 additional shares sent us past the 279 billion mark, earning Sasha a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™. Piter Bakunin's purchase of 3,000 additional shares sent us past the 280, 281, and 282 billion marks, earning a Triple Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™ and a fond farewell.

As for Kegan Bjornson, his purchase of 1,000 shares sent us past the 283 billion mark and earned him a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™. And the other 500 shares purchased earns Erotica 1 a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™ by proxy for sending us over the 284 billion mark.

It's notable that even permabanned players are not biomassed by CCP. They remain in the game, even if they can't be logged into. Agent Zazz Razzamatazz took the photo seen above. As a character with one of the highest bounties in the game, you can still catch a glimpse of Jita's favorite isk-doubler on the "WANTED" screens near stargates in highsec.


  1. Banned permanently by GM Grave. That really sounds permanent... like grave...

  2. I vote we continue piling ISK into E1's bounty so that her face shall forever grace the billboards of New Eden!


    1. Gets my vote.

    2. I would be in favor, but my recollection from Retribution is that after a period of time the bounty is wiped out.

      No one should quit EVE over this. Don't let the carebear whiteknights win. Stay subscribed and continue to support the New Order.

      But feel free to say that "Erotica 1 sends her regards" because I do!

    3. Member of the manic minersApril 1, 2014 at 1:18 AM

      One of my alts have sent james 100 mill to put shares in the NO to you erotica. Hope ccp let you back in the game. You add to the style and role play of eve like James does.

    4. Erotica 1 what is your response to people that are buying shares in your name?

  3. Am I the only one weirded out by the Nereus fitting screen that only shows 1H/2M/5L as opposed to its 2H/5M/5L?

    1. What in the name of all that's holy is a Nereus

    2. A Nereus is the new name CCP gave to the Iteron I after they teiricided T1 haulers recently.

  4. "We are contacting you to remind you that according to our records you ONLY have 21 hours left on your non-recurring subscription to EVE Online."

    Injustice is injustice regardless of your beliefs and I can no longer support it...

  5. Tbh anyone who would quit the game over E1 is someone we probably don't want in the game anyway... so please... the more the merrier.

    1. He's a content creator. He's someone this game desperately needs.

      Fly safe brother, wherever your travels may take you.

    2. I believe it's more because of CCP's professional inadequacies and inconsistencies that people are pissed off about. What happened to Erotica 1 was public proof of that and the last straw for some players.

      It would be one thing to receive a 30 day ban (if a ban had to be handed out for CCP's sake), but a permaban on rules that don't exist and are made up on the fly?

    3. BeBopAReBop RhubarbPieApril 1, 2014 at 4:31 PM

      "I believe it's more because of CCP's professional inadequacies and inconsistencies that people are pissed off about. "
      I totally agree. Ruling against the bonus room and giving Ero a warning or temp ban would have been one thing. A permanent ban with no prior warning about the activity is completely different.

    4. Essentially it means that everyone is just playing until their permaban comes down. Eve, where the rules are all made up and the ToS means nothing.

    5. It's not about Erotica1, just think about all these. ONE player (Ripard) didn't like the way OTHER player (Erotica1) played the game. Abusing his position as CSM member he pledged CCP to ban him, with no results, after that, abusing his position as "popular blogger", he created giant shitstorm. After the shitstorm hit the forums CCP banned Erotica1, without other reason or explanation than being a ingame gods.
      Personaly i dond need gods in my sandbox, and i don't even want to play on same server as Ripard. CCP think they "own" my characters, big deal, i own my money, so CCP can have my toons and i will keep my money.

  6. Erotica 1 - ISK doubler of my heart!

    1. ISK doubler of ALL our hearts

      -Motoko Nishizawa

  7. Oh no, a useless high sec scammer was banned for being a sociopath. Whatever shall we do?

    Goodbye, and good riddance


    1. LSM, I see you're still posting on this site. How's that search for self relevance coming along?

      - Guybertini

  8. James, Piter Bakunin here, I did indeed decide to leave the game due to E1s banning. CCPs continual pandering to the moral outrage crowd and the double standards implicit in their most recent action prompted me to end my time here. I have gifted the Order with the vast majority of my space-gold in hopes that it will be used to do good in the finest tradition of the New Order.

  9. Highsec is secure beneath the watchful eyes.

  10. forever in our hearts



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