Monday, September 22, 2014

The End Of All Danger In Highsec

A fresh cup of Sasha Nyemtsov's Manifesto II audiobook, anyone? There's plenty to go around.

In this section, I dealt with the conceptual problem faced by CCP when determining whether or not to capitulate to carebears' nerf demands: When is enough, enough? With carefully selected examples, I demonstrated that the only thing that will satisfy the carebears is total safety. The events since the writing of the Manifesto II have supported my theory, to say the least!


  1. That voice.

    My god.

    If a judge were to sentence me to death, I would be okay with it, as long as he did it in this voice.


  2. James old boy
    I get a kick out of all of this especially seeing your Neophytes prostrating themselves by throwing ISK your way to buy shares. Who can give the most, pass the basket again.
    Praise the CODE. Halalulya WAHAHA. you guys are great stuff.I hope they don't ban you.
    Mr Cobalt

    1. I would die if I ever saw James type that in local.

    2. Dear James
      You probably think I am some blasphemer, infidel or some sort of troublemaker?
      But I assure you I am not. There is a story emerging here that is truly entertaining whether you like it or not. I never said I was better than you. Your comment is a sign of frustration with higher intellect.
      Mr Cobalt

    3. James 315
      It appears that someone is impersonating you on your own blog.
      How silly of me to think that you would stoop so low to even reply.
      I genuflect in your general direction.
      No need to defend yourself on your own blog.
      MR Cobalt

  3. I love the fact that the real James 315 can see the IP address' of the commentators.

    1. I love the fact that if any attempt to commandeer an IP address is a federal offense

  4. I love the fact that I can cram a flounder up my vaganus.

    1. I love the fact that I am a Bellend.

    2. I've never eaten flounder, and now I never will.


  5. Deep analysis
    in a luxurious voice:
    Intellectual bliss

    1. Maria
      Are you referring to James 315 or the flounder?
      Mr Cobalt

    2. Referring to James 315, as read by Sasha.

      ...not gonna comment on the flounder.

  6. Ok Maria
    You do have a sense of humor.
    Is that really James 315 telling me to do something, or is there an impostor out there?
    I would not think it would be that easy to rattle James?
    What do you think?
    Mr Cobalt

    1. Someone claims a name
      Lying on the internet?

  7. Maria
    And you would follow someone who will not cross words with me.
    James 315 O Supreme Protector is a Coward.
    Or is just Lazy.
    Mr Cobalt

    1. "I challenge the Pope!
      I see....he does not accept.
      Must be cowardice!"

      (psst! maybe you're just not worth his time)


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