Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Highsec Miner Grab Bag #74

Seventy-four Grab Bags in, and miners are still learning the basics of highsec!

As I've said before, never ask an Agent a question if you don't want to hear the answer. And to answer Bigg Meatius' question:

If you've ever wondered why it's taking miners so long to master the fundamentals of modern highsec life, look no further. Don't quit at the preamble--dig deep!

In game. He hopes Agent Reginald Poppycock's house burns down and his whole family dies, in game.

That's Anti-Ganker humor for you. On the other hand, there are miners who make their toddlers mine for them. Many a true word is spoken in jest.

Waegen Hoerford heard some disturbing rumors about one of our fine Agents. He was reassured that cyber-bullying was not something the New Order does.

...But Waegen warned him that any day now, the Goons will switch sides in favor of the highsec carebears. File this under "CODE is dying." We're seeing more of this sort of thing lately; it's becoming almost as common as "EVE is dying." Carebears of highsec, I can assure you that EVE will die before the Code does.

As everyone knows, Currin Trading has much to be proud of. However...

...Not everyone in highsec is a patriot. Unsurprising. The PvE'ers don't know what pride is. After all, how could they? Buying a New Order permit and getting right with the Code is the first step.

Another example of the carebear dichotomy: They love to lie, but they can also be made to confess their crimes so easily.

Carebears are so full of contradictions. If they make a real-life death threat, it's only due to evil gankers. If we shoot a Capsule, that reflects a real-life attitude.

Most miners are far from being the "new players" we always hear about. Some are so old that they've become revisionist historians. One claimed that mining used to be a complicated, respectable profession!

Indeed, some miners claim to know the secret history of the New Order. dav Uitra says that before the Code, I made players want to kill themselves. You know, the usual. But this has been censored from the official New Order history books.

The truth is out there, man. Really out there.


  1. "Most miners are far from being the "new players" we always hear about. Some are so old that they've become revisionist historians. One claimed that mining used to be a complicated, respectable profession!"


  2. The Code ALWAYS wins!!!! ALWAYS!!!!

  3. interesting fanfiction blog

    1. these are chat logs and pictures sourced from in game I don't know what part of that you interpret as fiction

    2. The fiction is that code is in control of highsec...

    3. shit posting is the only weapon they have. After all they don't even bother to put weapons on their ships.

    4. There are plenty of weapons at our disposal, even if they can't be mounted on ships. If only we'd stop beating ourselves silly with hubris and instead free our hands to pick up another, we might get somewhere.

  4. Probably the part where jamie lies about the code giving you the right to treat poeple this way...the code is one persons view and not the law...jamie is not the ruler in highsec, nor is he the savior, that is a self appointed title only, the real people of highsec do not follow such a stupid leader...

    1. You kind of dodged the point. I said what in the chat logs and pictures is fictionalized and you went off on a tangent about the code not giving you the right to shoot someones spaceship in a spaceship shooting game.

    2. ah but james is not a stupid leader.....he does not actully do any leading.
      Now if you had said he is a stupid leacher, then yea you would be right.

    3. James 315 is not just a leader. He is a pioneer. We are just the ones who follow in his wake.

    4. James blazed a new path
      To glory, truth, and honor
      We but follow him

    5. Ming and Maria Manson, are you still so angry that you belive in your own lies?

    6. A coward anon
      Scrawls insults in the comments
      But we're the mad ones

  5. The Code ALWAYS Wins!!!!! ALWAYS!!!!!

  6. Drats, maybe I'll make the next grab bag. I hope I don't have to wait until final victory.

    I wish these anti-Code guys would be more respectful and courteous instead of trolling. That's a very important part of my leadership style in the rebellion. I expect all Highsec carebears to be respectful and good sports during our war to defeat the New Order.

    1. At least on the point of being good sports, I agree with you.

  7. "If you've ever wondered why it's taking miners so long to master the fundamentals of modern highsec life, look no further. Don't quit at the preamble--dig deep!"

    I meant to say that miners should dig deep in my ass instead of the rocks they mine to comprehend the code. As the Buffoon of Highsec, I originally crapped the code out of my ass. Where do you think all those highsec gas cloud formations came from?

    "The fiction is that code is in control of highsec..."

    This is in fact true. Code does not control highsec, and I don't lead code. I am just a highsec leach that is good at getting people to give me money. So, in other words, the only thing that I'm good for is ripping the community off. They let me rip them off, willingly. I do keep track of the shares, but that is only to provide the illusion to the foolish who believe what I say. If they try to cash in their shares, they will never get their money. I also skim off the top to plex all 50 of my accounts.

    I also blindly submitted this blog of mine to numerous facfiction sites in the hopes that one or more will reward me for my deranged behavior. However, the amount of bullshit that I post on here will probably make it come in last under the category of wishful thinking.

    James 315.

    You know what they say, a fool and his/her money are soon parted.

    1. WOW!!! For once james is honest! I so wish i could take credit for james finally being truthful, but this is something he had to do on his own. Congrats james!! You Finally did it and was honest!!


    2. Eve once had a video called "The Butterfly Effect," dealing with the concept of emergent gameplay. Man, oh man, I had no idea when I did it that donating such sizable amounts of money to James would cause such consternation among the commenters on this blog. It has been giving for two weeks now. Whoever said that New Order shares pay no dividends obviously hasn't been to this site and seen some of these comments. I swear, New Order Stock pays dividends in solid gold.

    3. Ravioli Ravioli give me the formuoli


  8. Wow, this post got me bumped from the AG channel. I guess they (Carebears) are all for free speech, until they disagree with

    Faster Eddy

    1. The Antiganking channel literally is the worst place I can imagine. It's like North Korea, but without nukes or guns.

    2. AG is run by a bunch of Veers alts, Veers would do it himself but he's to busy trolling eve forums

  9. Oh, Ming is still around in his soiled panties.

    1. Calm down, miner.

    2. Min Manson, why are you so angry?
      We told you we can help you clean up your soiled panties.

    3. Please tell me. How awful is it to be forced to use the same lines over and over again? Is it because you can't think of anything else? Or is it because you literally have someone with a gun to your head threatening to blow your head off if you don't?

      I guess what I'm trying to ask is.. How much does it physically hurt you to know that you're the one writing your posts?

    4. Ming, go take your pills and calm down.
      You must be the most angry player I have ever seen.

    5. I would definitely say that I'm probably the smuggest player you've ever seen. But as far as making angry posts, (and posts related to poop and other bodily functions,) I believe you've taken the cake there, PoopAnon.

    6. Ming is angry, how cute :-P
      So what posts is done by me?
      It's clear that you don't know anything about the anonymous posters here.

  10. Code is just like the Manson family, equal bad and they don't understand what damage they do.

  11. CHODE. ALWAYS WHINES ALWAYS GANKER CALM DOWN LOOK AT ME I AM SMART AND FUNNY LIKE A GOOD LITTLE CHODE. BRB HAVE TO RUN FROM THIS FIGHT SO I CAN BRAG ABOUT HOW LEET I AM.............and that pretty much sums up every post I have seen anybody from CHODE. make. please come up with something new keep it fresh guys.

    1. you seem upset

    2. Calm yourself carebear... This is why I love watching code make you cry. You are butt hurt over an internet pixel ship.

    3. LMAO @ CHODE. yes so many tears from me 3 years and yet CHODE. has never been able to gank me and I do not hide in station or npc corp so nice try fail more. And really calling anybody carebear while hiding in highsec it a case of pot and kettle.oh and GANKER CALM DOWN CHODE. AWLAYS WHNES ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Oh lord. Miner, calm down. Do not be upset. It's just a video game, it's not worth this anger.

    5. Let the butt hurt flow through you carebear

  12. The only death threats I ever see are from miners towards CODE, thereby retroactively validating CODE in killing the carebear.

  13. Who needs a miner grab bag when you can just click on the comments?

  14. I just wanted to say all hail James 315! I also wanted to tell Ming I just love you... I didn't want to let the secret out of the bag... But I want to renounce my carebear ways and help code destroy not aspirants everywhere.


    1. I'm sorry, I meant *bot*-aspirants. In addition to my abiding frustrated love for Ming, I can't write very well so I'm always making mistakes. I do hope Ming will forgive me for my many inadequacies, because in spite of it all I do love him so.

      *Looks longingly at Ming*


  15. Congrats to the ones who won. Who was it again that code was supporting?...

  16. hm, who is that Zamez 3lS everyone is talking about?


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