Friday, March 27, 2015

Too Extreme for Anti-Ganking

As we've seen in the past, the Anti-Ganking channel is a pretty spooky place. Toxic, even. But are there any rebels who are too toxic even for the Anti-Ganking crowd?

Meet Star-Buck ZeR0, an outspoken highsec carebear with a bad attitude about the Code. He was seen by many as a rising star in the Anti-Ganking community. He even had his very own channel and TeamSpeak server. But this promising young rebel's career was derailed by scandal.

Agent Alana Charen-Teng joined Star-Buck's channel in the hopes of bridging the gap between the New Order and Anti-Ganking communities. Star-Buck was infuriated.

In retaliation, Star-Buck threatened to destroy, the official home of the New Order of Highsec. To gain access to the site, all he needed was an exploit. Then MinerBumping would be hacked.

In fact, Star-Buck's plan had been in the works for quite some time. He was now extremely close to unlocking the next digit of the password. Once all of the digits were in Star-Buck's possession, the New Order would be done for. Alana was stunned. She joined Star-Buck's TeamSpeak server to try and dissuade him from his horrific plan.

It was a trap! Star-Buck used the opportunity to acquire Alana's IP address. Armed with this information, the rebel could take vengeance against Alana in a number of different ways. He could nuke her ports, making it impossible to access the internet and gank miners. Or he could turn off her computer's fan and melt the hard drive. With the right exploit, he might even be able to increase static in the USB array and deliver an electric shock into Alana's keyboard. For now, though, he simply banned Alana from his TeamSpeak server.

At the very moment of Star-Buck's triumph, his perfect plan fell to pieces. Anti-Ganking moderator Jennifer en Marland banned Star-Buck from the channel for out-of-game threats and "generally losing his shit". This raised the eyebrows of space lawyers everywhere. Did the banning of Star-Buck set a precedent? If losing one's shit is a bannable offense, it could be only a matter of time before all carebears lose access to the Anti-Ganking channel.


  1. The code always loses, always!!!

  2. Wow that is one angry carebear.

  3. Soon Mingelingdingdong will cry over his fake donation

    1. Obsess much Mr Anon 8:03pm? How much lint is in that navel you're staring at right now?

    2. Hey anon you want some salt for that chip on your shoulder? You really need to stop obsessing over what Ming is or isn't doing.

  4. Starbuck is a player called torissa steele, he was an ag hero with his alt Starbuck bluesquardron. Sadly, he lost an 11.5 billion or call and rage quit. But he's baaaaacccckkkk!

      ^ Starbuck Bluesquadron, the AG hero?

      In any case, Star-Buck ZeR0 was banned from both AG channel and EvE Online for "losing his shit".

  5. Veers lost his shit way back when he proposed that concord pre-emptively take out gankers who are 'mearly bumping' another ship.

    He went a few months after that before loosing his shit again when he was asked how old a new player has to be to be consider no longer a new player.... his answer was 7-8 years

    Veers lost his shit again after that, just check out his KB... looks like he went out to lowsec and got blapped once and has never returned.

    Finally Veers lost it recently when CCP put out some interesting statistics on new players (you know the ones that have been around for like 7 years). Turns out ganking is good for player retention, carebearing is bad.

    Oh and like Starbuck, Veers has a hard time separating in game actions with real life.

  6. The only toxic people in the anti ganking channel are code spies who say stupid things in order to create drama, which this blog then reprints.....

    1. careful going out in storms with that tin foil hat

    2. Now, now Anon10:47... you should cut Anon10:46 some slack, he's only a tween after all. And they tend to be idiotic at the best of times, so you just have to expect the verbal diarrhea coming from them.

  7. meh seems made up

  8. Now that's a salty-a poster!


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