Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Over Five Hundred Eighty-Two Billion in Shares Sold

It's never a bad time to buy more shares of New Order stock. There are currently ∞ shares available. Better hurry--they're going fast!

Consider Trathen yet another player retained by the New Order. Here's the ripple effect: Her purchase of 1,315 shares sent us over the 580 billion mark and earned her a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™. And that money will go toward further player retention.

Impreza Yatolila already owned shares, but he was compelled to increase his holdings when he heard the good news from CCP. His 125 additional shares sent us over the 581 billion mark and earned him a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™.

Finally, PV Rock purchased 1,000 additional shares and sent us over the 583 billion mark. Not only did he get another Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™ to add to his collection--he's joined the ranks of the top 10 shareholders of all time!

The verdict is in: If you want to help support EVE and increase the size of its playerbase, throw some isk toward New Order shares. It's the best investment you'll ever make, and you'll have something to feel good about.


  1. It is my honor to welcome you into the Top 10 PV Rock!

    The Code ALWAYS wins!!!! ALWAYS!!!!

    1. *wonders how long before ming's pride and envy gets the better of him not being in the top ten for the month anymore*

    2. I am turning over a new leaf. I'm now only going to tell the truth.

      - I realize I was scammed out of 11B isk.
      - I realize I'm butt hurt over being scammed out of 11B isk.
      - I realize that being on the top 10 nazi list is something not to be proud of.
      - I realize that living in my parents basement will not get me laid.
      - I realize the code ALWAYS loses!!!! ALWAYS!!!

    3. Wow. I thought the official line was that "i was in a conspiracy and had actually never donated 11 billion isk."


    4. @ fake ming 11:38

      Wow... had to copy my epic name, the epicness that was destroyed by allowing myself to be scammed out of 11B :(

    5. M, seriously, move on already. Your crush was unrequited. It's tragic, I'm sure it makes you very sad, but it's time to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and move on to the next person-you-obsesses-over. You're starting to sound like Veers, and that's not good for anyone.

    6. Heh, I'm starting to think maria has a bit of a crush on me. A few posts back she was practicly begging for attention from me, thinking I was the anon that posted, and again she thinks I posted anon. Sorry maria, but as I said before, I sign my posts. Its flattering to think you have such a crush on me, but I'm already taken. Maybe chase after ming? He does need a lot of attention.


    7. "I'm starting to think maria has a bit of a crush on me."

      You're wayyyy too old for Maria Malukker's normal preference. Or so I hear.

    8. Carebears often lie
      About their deeds, and their posts
      I don't believe you

    9. That works maria, since i dont believe your posts and deeds either. :)

      As far as my age, well no one really knows, i could be as young as 15 or so, or as old as 65. Nice try thou :)

    10. 15??? That just about works for Maria Malukker. But better make it quick though or you'll be too old.

    11. Then I guess people will have to choose who they find most believable: Agents of the New Order, or Highsec Miner #5,324,000 Who Totally Isn't Mad You Guys, Also He Doesn't Mine or Live in Highsec, Also He's Totally Rich and Gave 50 Billion Isk Away, No Really.

      I'm not too worried about which of us will seem most convincing.

      Also, hi NaziPedophileAnon! I trust you're having a nice, Code-compliant day?

    12. Quite right maria, your killboard does show how convincing you are.
      I do not come on here to brag (like code tries), as the people who matter are the ones i helped (code believing it or not), so rage on if you wish maria.
      To the people that i help, im sure im more convincing then you will ever be. :)
      @ anon 3:52 pm, yea, didnt think of that. Maria i am older then 15, so no you cant play with me. Not that ild want to be anywhere near you *shudders* ugh....gross codebears...


    13. "Codebears", pedophilia, referring to someone's killboard when you're unwilling to post your own, accusations of bragging, lies about helping people....you're all over the place. You need to focus, man, focus. Pick one thing you believe will sting those mean old Agents and stick with it, it'll serve you better than your current scattershot approach.

    14. kinda like how ming is unwilling (and unable) to post proof of his supposed donation?

    15. I'm just in love with how the carebears can't even coordinate their stories on The Biggest Story of March: How Ming Tso gave (or didn't give) 11 billion isk to the New Order.

      It's past the first week of April now, and wouldn't you know it- those shares are STILL paying dividends.

    16. LOL at the amount of tears in this thread. Everyone knows that New Order shares are one of the best investments one will ever make.

      Hell, makes me want to buy some, though im currently space poor. Between creating pretty explosions and becoming pretty explosions and having a ton of assets locked down in catch ISK is short.

      But, (And this is the important part carebears, pay attention) I'm having fun and that is what this is all about. Its a game, not a second job...

      ~ Asia Leigh

  2. meh seems made up

  3. Supporting the arrogant stupidity that is the code would not make me feel good at all...actually is has quite the opposite effect, it would make me sick...now, sploding code monkeys, that would make me feel good...

    1. Miner, please calm down

      ~ Asia Leigh

    2. Is that all you got, asia? How lame, typical of the new order, the lamest, bot-aspirant group in the game, always doing the same thing, picking on soft targets...

    3. Do you consider yourself a soft target?

  4. What is a share good for?

    1. Hi Anon, in addition to contributing to the welfare of highsec and the longevity of EVE, shares give you a stake in the New Order movement and allow you to vote in shareholder decisions (see EVE-O/Previous MB posts), after all, our Supreme Protector James 315, being beneficent and enlightened, established a democracy to govern highsec.
      I hope this has been informative :)

      Go with the Code.
      -Galaxy Pig

    2. Now that is an outright LIE galaxy pig...jamie established a dictatorship that he is trying to pawn off as a democracy...that whole "I voted your proxy" thing does not work...you and the whole new order are pirates...plane and simple...

    3. A share of new order is actully good for nothing, except filling james 315's pockets with more isk. For all the complaining that code does about the isk that miners and other players have, they sure are willing (and foolish) enough to throw isk away by throwing it at james.

    4. First of all, no one is envious of miner ISK here. We don't care about ISK. I'd wager one of the only things worse than materialism is digital materialism. We care about fun - which we have - quite often. I also know that James reimburses catalyst losses in the name of the New Order and funds other fun activities.

      But let's assume for a moment that the carebear filth and lies are true and that we're just "giving James 315 ISK". Well, look to your left. Over 1,000 articles of well written, quality entertainment, all done with no expectation of pay. That is certainly worth well over a lifetime of high-sec mining and he earned every last bit of ISK. Sorry to disappoint your illusions about the New Order.

    5. Because I only tell the truth now

      New Order shares are a scam, I was scammed out of 11B isk. I now feel ashamed :(

    6. "I'd wager one of the only things worse than materialism is digital materialism."

      meh... As a Tea Party supporter and rich lawyer I have to say you sound a lot like a pinko commie... The USA was founded on the three G's: God, Guns, and Greed. To do otherwise is unmericain, grow up and play this game like it was real life, I do.

    7. Asking "What is a (New Order) share good for?" is akin to asking "What is integrity good for?", or "What is honesty good for?". Attaining any of these things will make you more popular and likable, but that's not why they should be desired. None of them will confer direct in-game benefits upon you, if that's what you're asking. But they are all worth striving toward, because they are all instrumental in being a decent human being.

      New Order shares are good for precisely the same reasons that honesty, honor, integrity, and valor are good: they are desirable goals in and of themselves, and although acquiring them will also improve your quality of life you should strive to attain these things even if they didn't also make people like more.

      Oh, also, if correlation implies even the smallest bit of causation in this case, purchasing shares in the New Order improves your spelling and writing far above the carebear norm. Just sayin'.

    8. I don't understand. Give me a practical example, please!

    9. <a href="http://www.minerbumping.com/2012/08/welcome-to-minerbumpingcom_7.html>Sure</a>! For further examples, feel free to look at literally every single other post made on minerbumping since 2012. They are just chock-full of concrete examples of how buying New Order shares (and a permit!) make you a better, morally superior person.

    10. Bah, forgot the closing quotation marks.


      Ah, there we go.

    11. How carebear like of you to do that maria.


  5. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20150407151550AAYyLI0
    ^This question of Code wisdom has been asked by many. Would anyone care to help this person with their question?
    Veers is even allowed to answer.. provided it is the REAL Veers ;)

    -Nitetime Video

    1. How can Veers be real if our eyes aren't real?

  6. meh I have billions from afk incursions, it's boring and socially isolating but when you have to live docked up in a station in a one man corp for fear of being hunted it's pretty decent isk.

    meh the price you pay for being one of eve's best forum trollers.

  7. Lots and lots of bitter carebears here.

    That's just too damn funny. To get so worked up over meta in a game. Pure gold.

  8. When i did my time in the army (we have conscription, so anyone from 18 to 27 have to serve for 2 years) we've had that guy in our platoon-born and raised in a big city, never exposed to a minimum level of hardship, or worked a day in his life. Damn that guy was a real problem for us, for he couldn't shoot straight no matter how long instructed or shown, he couldn't run, nor march, nor watch guard, he always has sores on his legs so he limped behind a platoon, with someone else carrying his rifle and gear, when we were in the field he was once assigned to the flank guard team, they were supposed to go along the road, where the rest of company marched in the woods and watch our flank, it wasn't no war, just drills. So he managed to get lost, and recovered by a general who was inspecting us. When we've reached our destination and were setting camp for a night he lined us all up and asked a co if everyone is here. He said yes. And who is it then? Asked the general, pulling that guy from his car, co was disciplined and that guy just smiled like a retard. We were constantly fukked hard by our co because of him and there wasn't any task at all that he didn't fail, he was plainly speaking, a weak link in a chain. But the only thing in him that made me furious about him, is that he never ever tried to get better. Long story short, he served his time and gtfo and we all sighed with relief. That is what came to my mind, while reading that great site about hisec miners. Keep up the good work, if one out of ten miners will be made better by the Code it will be well worth nine other unsub. That work is hard and long and frowned upon by many, but it is necessary. Thank you for reading.
    looking forward to become an agent and do my part in saving hisec.

    1. Can some one please tell wtf that wall of text is supposed to say? I read it all I got was cancer.

    2. This is the problem with forced service, I had many people I'm my boot platoon that were full blown city boys never even seen a title in person before, but they did their training some ended up shooting better than me (grew up hunting my entire life) and we never had a problem with them keeping up on hikes or pulling their own weight. When you force someone to serve and they don't want to you get a leech on the platoon.

    3. @anon tl;dr follows

      "I served in the army. It affected me a lot and I'm not quite right in the head now. If I can save 1 miner and cause 9 to unsub, my life will be complete."

      I hope your chemo goes well.

    4. @Anon10:19
      Thanks for your service and sacrifice. The New Order seeks to protect the EVE community from the types of people you describe. And we will.

      They will comply, leave, quit, join, or die. There are no other choices.

    5. bla bla bla bollocks


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