Here are our top isk contributors for March 2015:
March 2015

#1. Ming Tso
11,000,000,000 isk

#2. Zealous Miner
10,000,000,000 isk

#3. PV Rock
5,000,000,000 isk

#4. Snigie Audanie
515,000,000 isk

#5. Jahyson Malone
315,000,000 isk

#5. Leia Jadesol
315,000,000 isk

#5. Mark Eting
315,000,000 isk

#5. Trathen
315,000,000 isk

#9. Nathaniel Stasgrossen
125,000,000 isk

#10. Dr Pumo
100,000,000 isk
This was a really big month for the New Order's shareholders. Keep an eye on those people buying up large numbers of shares--they're on the move. And as the power plays get made in the world of New Order stock, carebears keep getting blown up in highsec. The best of both worlds, to be sure.
Ming gets to be the #1fool for the month!!!
ReplyDeleteWay to go ming!!! And to think you parents said you would never add up to much
This is just embarrassing to watch. He's not that into you dude, let it go. Just let it go.
DeleteWOW Ming, what did you do to this guy? The butthurt is really strong with this anom.
DeleteI'd also like to know what Ming killed of yours, please man up & post with your char name so the mystery can be revealed!
DeleteMing is so lucky to have his own personal hate-groupie. If only I were so lucky.
Delete290xanaots, if John ever quits & I need someone new to troll, I'll come look you up. ;)
DeleteThats just -=M=-. He is afraid to post under m now. Not sure why, but i think it has something to do with his schizophrenia.
DeleteAnd he always gets trolled! Always!
Impossible for ming to have destroyed anything of m's or anyone else's. His kill board is very empty for a supposed agent.
ReplyDeleteAnd James said:
Delete"The New Order transcends corporations, alliances, and coalitions. There's no membership application or skill requirement to join. Everyone in EVE who takes any action to support our cause is an Agent of the New Order. Whether it's something big or small, once or many times, within or outside of official EVE channels, whether it's taken by someone I know well or by someone I'll never meet--each action intended to influence others for the advancement of the New Order is the action of an Agent."
Not every Agent is a Knight, of course. But then, I don't believe Ming claims to be full-time Knights. He does however claim to be an Agent of the New Order, and as James 315's words clearly show, he has the right to that title.
The only thing that I have destroyed this month through my donation is M's dignity.
Deletehow can you be "knight" and not fight something??? kind of an odd title for a non combatant really....maybe he should call himself "beancounter" or "bystander" of the new order
DeleteHe's a fanboy. None of us actually think of him as a 'knight'.
DeleteThe correct term is "Agent" of the New Order.
DeleteYou may also call me "Diplomat," "Counselor," or "Clergyman."
I'd rather call you something else ming, I guess I'll just just settle for calling you late for dinner...
DeleteI think the correct term for ming is simply "try and fail"
DeleteHe tried to convince us he donated and failed,
He tried to convince us he is a knight and failed,
He tried to do pvp and failed,
Ming just plain fails.
@ Ming Tso
Deleterather lofty titles for a minion don't you think ? "diplomat " implies something official ( code has no authority)
"counselor" implies the code has empathy with it's victims( that's laughable)
"clergyman " implies some kind of religious mandate, or holiness,
if that is the case you should seek a "councelor " of your own maybe?
have a nice day:)
Getting real tired of your shit, fake M.
DeleteIt's clear to everyone that Ming has succeeded in at least one thing. He's succeeded in winning my heart.
*Cuddles Ming while sighing with happiness*
DeleteNow you're switching your stories, M. AGAIN.
First, you said that I wasn't an Agent of the New Order because I didn't have any shares.
Then, you said that you were the one who tricked me into buying 11,000 shares and that you "scammed" me into giving the money to James 315 for reimburse and reinforce the New Order.
And now, you're taking the same line as PoopAnon, saying that I actually didn't donate anything and that the entire donation was a lie.
Which story is it, M? You've got three different stories and keep changing them at a whim.
At least Agents are steadfast, and can hold true to one story. We are like stone pillars of truth, while carebears are like piles of sand, shifting across the landscape.
You should also ask PoopAnon to bring up the post where I said I was a Knight of the New Order. You know, since he "spiders" this website and all.
Ming, if you keep trying you might someday be someone important, maybe.
DeleteAll you need to do is keep trying, not everyone does it on the first try.
Except in skydiving, no one gets a second try when they fail the first time like you do. Come to think of it, you should take up skydiving.
What exactly is your claim to fame other then shit posting here, M?
Delete~ Asia Leigh
ReplyDeletemeh seems made up
ReplyDeletedefinitely made up meh
DeleteStrange, haven't heard from "The New Order will soon be broke!" Anon in a while...
The New Order will soon be broke!
DeleteOh hey! :D
DeleteFearless knights of the New Order. Hear the words of your savior! I've grown weary of your endless groveling and ass kissing. My ass shines so brightly that it outshines the suns in most systems. Now my agent-code-monkey-minions try to warp to it after ganking newbs.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'm trying to say is, I quit.
Loyalanon, your in charge. (well, that changes nothing really...)
Lol, first thing I read that I believe on this site.
If I didn't knonw any better I'd say that was Butt Hurt miner showing his face again
DeleteOh yes, while I think of it, happy code day!
ReplyDeleteMany places call it April fools day, but it fits for code.
If Veers would ever play again i bet he'd finally give some isk to CODE.