Sunday, July 5, 2015

Kills of the Week

When the Code was promulgated three years ago, it put highsec on notice: The time for bot-aspirant debauchery is over. School is in session. Did the carebears make the grade this week--or did they flunk Code 101? Let's review what the beneficiaries of compulsory education learned during the week of June 28th @ 00:00 EVEtime through July 4th @ 23:59 EVEtime.

Oops. Ham Hamilion got off to a rough start. Maybe he assumed that since the New Order was covering the Uedama pipe a lot lately, that the Niarja pipe was safe. Folks, if it's in highsec, the New Order has it covered. Ham lost 33.4 billion isk. Perhaps he was a new player and simply couldn't afford his permit? Agents JerryRin AT2016 Commentator, OogaBooga WhereDa FreighterAt, loyalanon, Sterling Cohenberg, Strom Cohenberg, Concerned Miner, Stanley Cohenberg, Silvester Cohenberg, Sasha Cohenberg, Globby, Stein Cohenberg, Straight Up Dominated, Sherman Cohenberg, BoneyTooth Thompkins ISK-Chip, and Sin Stash put an end to Ham Hamilion.

I've noticed that the zKillboard comment community doesn't suffer from as much pro-carebear bias as some other EVE groups.

Even so...

...There are always a few remedial students who have trouble grasping the lesson.

There are many things wrong with Wolverine Platinum's jump freighter, but one thing that's very right: It's dead. I'd like to draw your attention to the "other" category on the killmail, which is where jump freighter fuel is stored. Wolverine could have activated his jump drive to escape at any time, but failed to do so. Remember that one for later. In any case, Wolverine was Too Cool for Keyboard and was paid a visit by loyalanon, the Cohenberg family, and their friends: Agents Boarat Saagdiyev, OogaBooga WhereDa FreighterAt, Jason Kusion, loyalanon, Salander Ronuken, ThatOleSerpent, jipjipjip beepbop, JerryRin AT2016 Commentator, Sasha Cohenberg, Sophia Soprano, Straight Up Dominated, Sherman Cohenberg, Stein Cohenberg, WonkySplitDemon, Nick Actilete, Silvester Cohenberg, Sterling Cohenberg, Stanley Cohenberg, Staren Instapase, Red Pen Offender, and pastywhitenerd.

This one hurts. HorntoadXOX was spotted in a pimped-out Hulk. You might assume he was busy mining in an ice anomaly, maxing out his isk/hour ratio. In fact, he was simply parked right outside of a station. This miner couldn't be bothered to dock up! Agents Carebears' Nightmare, Brutal Anna, Rick Therapist, and Marina Gankalot braved the station's sentry guns and took HorntoadXOX down. Courage under fire.

Jamie Zateki brought an expensive battleship into Uedama one day. Our Agents were thrilled, since they love to shoot ships that can shoot back. They were so excited that they destroyed Jamie before he got the chance to return fire, though. Mark down a PvP victory for Agents Sasha Cohenberg, Chocolate Mooses, OogaBooga WhereDa FreighterAt, Salander Ronuken, Karmafleet Is Recruiting, Zane Arnolles, loyalanon, JerryRin AT2016 Commentator, Silvester Cohenberg, Sterling Cohenberg, Stanley Cohenberg, Boarat Saagdiyev, Straight Up Dominated, Lisa Tears, Oda Nobunaga, Stein Cohenberg, Cinomed Fostergut, and ThatOleSerpent.

Shadiss didn't give two hoots about the Code, and it showed. She triple-anti-tanked her jump freighter and dropped into Uedama for a bit. Interestingly, though she was carrying billions of isk in ships, she didn't have a single unit of fuel for her jump drive. It's as though she felt jump drives are only important outside of highsec--as if highsec is 100% safe, and jump drives are not needed. This is a violation of the Code. If you'd take jump fuel with you outside of highsec, you need it in New Order territory. Agent loyalanon, Sophia Soprano, Jason Kusion, Rick Therapist, Josh Tsutola, reaper Shardani, Brutal Anna, unknown boat, Ryvarant, Carebears' Nightmare, karma balancer, Red Pen Offender, and unknown problem soon made Shadiss wish she had some fuel. And a permit.

SteveTheWraith only had shattered crystals once he ran into Agent PV Rock. Nearly 5 billion more isk disappeared into Sivala, the graveyard of implants. I've got some good news: SteveTheWraith returned about an hour later and was podded by PV Rock once again. That time, his pod was empty. Progress.


  1. The New Order Always Wins! Always!!!

  2. Another week of Victory for Code and the New Order!!!!

  3. I often think the care bears are like climate change skeptics, even in the face of overwhelming facts they'll still disregard it and say it's made up even when the effects are becoming apparent around them. Deny it all you want but the code really is winning.

    1. anthropomorphic climate change?

      meh sounds made up

    2. There are creationists, climate change denialists, holocaust denialists, people who believe vaccines lead to autism, and highsec carebears... all kinds of people who believe things despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. vov

    3. Well I believe that nightmare kill was an incursion ship.

    4. Incursion runners need permits, too.

    5. Currently, only miners and haulers need a permit. The Code should be enforced throughout all of highsec. But feel free to enforce The Code on incursion runners if you see them violating it.

    6. Nice try; but the Real James 315 would never say that incursion runners do not need a permit. Also; try making a new fake James profile. This is the same one from before :P

      You get a smiley-face sticker for effort.

    7. In addition, unlike the anonbears who post their nonsense on this blog; I can cite Sources.

      "Everyone knows that I have long opposed highsec incursion running. It's a grotesque risk/reward imbalance. If I were in charge of CCP, I would remove all incursions from highsec and neg-wallet every bot-aspirant who has ever profited from them. However, I do not run CCP. Therefore I only require that incursion runners purchase a mining permit and show total obedience to the Code. Fair enough?"

  4. Knock, knock...

  5. another week of win in the can

  6. Nice compilation Saviour; open-mouthed through most of it. The Hulk kill reminded me just how good we are at invention, spotting an opportunity and exploiting it successfully, you know, creating content.

    A perfect end to the week.

  7. 33 bil capital kill. That is some Elite PvP!!!

    1. and yet there are some that claim the new order doesn't matter. there are some that say you don't make a difference. and where are they after three years?

    2. Right behind you waiting to pounce...

    3. Anon 1232, If by pounce you mean run screaming like a b movie slasher victim, then yes

    4. they probably are behind me, ready to pounce. problem is my Eve account isn't active, so not much point in that. makes sense that's where the idiot AG movements would be, their effectiveness speaks to this.

  8. CODE: Making new enemies every day. But that 33B kill, I assume he was autopiloting? And that's a stupid remark to make about jump freighters. Although they can jump FROM highsec, someone has to light a cyno for their jump drive to lock onto. So Jimmy Boy, you make these statements, but fail to mention that there are additional requirements.

    1. you cant jump without fuel. You would know this if you ever left high sec XD XD

    2. Said pilot had to have had cyno's to get to high sec in the first place. This of course assumes he came from low sec or null sec or was going to low or null. So why not have the cyno you used to get there to follow you in nearby low sec in case of emergencies?

      And if he was just going from high to high, why not use a regular freighter which is much cheaper ship and insures much better?

    3. tbh if someone has a JF, they have cyno alts.

      If they don't, they're doing it wrong, didn't do their research and/or their corp leadership sucks.

    4. Not necessarily, although it does help...

    5. Why even use a jump freighter if you aren't going to use it as intended? Using a jump freighter like I have seen is just asking for a 7B+ loss mail. If you are going trade hub to trade hub afk, there is no reason what-so-ever to be flying a jump freighter. At all.

      You have no cyno alt, or at least a friend that can supply one and don't know simple Jump mechanics you have no business sitting in a ship that has a jump drive.

      That is all.

  9. Complimentary - Antigankers are failing non-stop daily!!!!!

  10. "Oops. Ham Hamilion got off to a rough start."

    Only "rough" as in he experienced a significant amount of content at once.

  11. CODE=antichrist. If you wish to go to hell and burn then kill more freighters. The key to heaven is just a mission away!

    1. hello veers belvar, do you have some time to discuss Jesus Christ? It seems you don't have an accurate understanding.

  12. A one billion Hulk. I wish you could gank this guy again. And again...


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