Friday, March 11, 2016

Not an Option

Agent Fiddly Pop has established quite a reputation for producing New Order artwork. Though Fiddly--like any other reasonable person--is absolutely committed to the New Order and the Code, he paints from the perspective of a neutral observer of life. In other words, his art is not biased by his loyalty to the Code. Thus, he also produces artwork for Anti-Gankers. Here are three pieces from Fiddly Pop's Anti-Ganker collection.

Of course, even the Anti-Gankers have to admit that the CODE always wins (always). It's a matter of objective, empirically verifiable truth, not bias. Those who rely on anti-Code silliness do so at their own peril.


  1. True to life artwork!

    Looks like antigankimg are failing incredibly hard!!!! 1

    1. Looks can be deceiving. A fact however is the true to life artwork that I paint inside your rectum when I blow my nuts in your ass. How's the eye doing? Are you still recovering from when I blasted my cum into your brain? You were painting some very interesting things during the resulting seizure.

    2. Looks like Wolf has a secret admirer. Unrequited love is so tragic. Now Anon8:59... don't do anything stupid in your despair. And what ever you do make sure you buy a Mining Permit first! Just for your piece of mind.

    3. And they say gankers have real life issues XD

      I would say Kalynn calm down but we all know what happened there XD

    4. Yup! Anon8:59 can't be Kalynn! Although it appears that they're right on track to prove the New Order right again with a stunning display of taking out their frustration on helpless RL children.

      Because this is what mining does to people.

    5. That reminds me, we did used to say "Kalynn calm down" in the comments awhile back...

      Oh well.

    6. Wow, random anon shit poster @ 859 - you sound like a real internet tough guy. Careful not to cut yourself on those oh so sharp edges!

  2. Lol I like these! Keep it up!

    -Galaxy Pig

  3. The butt sex guy is starting to worry me, what if he has kids... I don't think they will be safe.

    1. Of course he'd never talk to children or his family like that. His true edgy side can only be shown via anonymous comments that he is too embarrassed to associate with his actual identity, or even his make believe character in a video game about internet spaceships.

  4. With Fable Legends cancelled, EverQuest Next cancelled, and WildStar's chinese release cancelled, it's been rough this week for the MMO industry.

    Just once can bad MMO-related news be about Eve Online? A news article about CCP going belly up? I'd drink to that.

  5. "AG, where failure is not an Option...

    It's a FACT!"



  6. I haven't been able to play much but I have Photoshop on my work computer. So I do what I can to support the cause. I am glad my "art" is being enjoyed.

  7. Also I make this stuff to be shared, especially in local. So steal them and use them.

    1. watch out the resulting flood of tears from ag might cause people to overdose from sodium!

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