Friday, April 22, 2016

Over One Trillion Twenty Billion in Shares Sold

When new players begin looking deeply into EVE's fascinating, one-of-a-kind virtual economy, among the first questions they ask is, "Why do people purchase shares of New Order stock?"

Sometimes "just because" is a good enough answer.

On other occasions, there's a specific reason for the purchase.

As with similar incidents, the unexplained permabans of Agents loyalanon and 412nv Yaken have inspired New Order stock purchases. Droit Minier purchased 3,153 shares of New Order stock on behalf of Permabanned Heroes of the Code. The purchase sent us over the 1.014, 1.015, 1.016, and 1.017 trillion isk marks and prompted a Quadruple Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™.

Elite Harvester purchased 1,000 more shares of New Order stock and transferred his massive holdings to Permabanned Heroes of the Code. Obviously, the purchase sent us over the 1 trillion 18 billion isk mark and earned him a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™. Shaking the business world is the news that we have a new biggest shareholder: Permabanned Heroes of the Code, with 180,305 shares, overtook PV Rock for the #1 spot.

Meanwhile, additional purchases went on. ST0NER SMURF increased his holdings by 315 shares, sending us over the 1 trillion 19 billion isk mark and earning him a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™.

Black Pedro, likewise, purchased an additional 315 shares. His purchase sent us over the 1 trillion 20 billion isk mark and earned him a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™.

What a week!


Agent Sasha Nemtsov has returned to his microphone. This time, with a twist.

Sasha has produced a new, improved, digitally remastered reading of the Code, perfect for all you people out there who learn best by hearing. It doesn't just contain his wonderful voice reading the wonderful Code, though--it also contains music, concluding with The Code Anthem, composed by Sasha himself.

But wait, there's more! Sasha wants everyone at home to sing along, so for the chorus of the Anthem, he has made sheet music available: The Code Chorus (sheet music with lyrics) and The Code Chorus (lyrics only).

What a talent. This is what emergent content looks like, people.

As always, check out our amazing Links page for more New Order art/sound/whatever.


  1. What a bunch of utter bullshit. The Code Anthem? Really? Next we will have Loyalamoron claim that he wasn't banned... Or Jimmy boy 315, the terrorist of highsec, claiming that his ass doesn't glow and that he doesn't eat corpses to keep his ass glowing. But then again, considering the average intelligence of a code agent, they will believe anything that buffoon says.


    1. Hey BM
      You are shit. You know shit. Yoir opinion about EvE life is shit.

      You have no RL credentials for us to evaluate except what you post here you uneducated fuk!

      So, proof or GTFO faggot. And while you are becoming AN HERO, dont forget to include your children. We dont need your defective spawn in the gene pool.

      So to recap: fuck you, fuck your family, get cancer before you off yourself and your family,

      P.S. dont forget to include that fat-ass breeder bitch you use to make those defective little shits.

      I cannot stress this enough: REAL MINERS hope to read about you and your murder/death/kill rampage soon, in the AG chans so we can act like we gave a shit for a minute or two.

      Almost forgot, you are shit without any credentials. what you have chosen to post on this site over the months determines your credentials, you child raping retarded fuck.

      Get a permit THEN get rekt! Then just go away.

    2. Oh BM, what will you do without villains though?

      EVE is nothing without villains, which is why even the people who hated me most were sad to see me banned. What's the point of playing if you have no one to compete against? What is the point of a world of heroes with no villains?


  3. The code inspires such beauty. It's such an honour to be able to help miners calm down and see the error of their ways.

    1. Snigie Calm down. You are not enforcing the CODE enough. Get ganking.

    2. Sorry my grand kids are taking up all my time

    3. To Anon 6:45: Miner calm down! It's just music, get friends and make some yourself.

  4. I'd love to hear the anti-ganking anthem, but I can't seem to find it. Could it be because they are continuously failing, nonstop daily?

    1. Yup,
      - They need to first set up an anthem committee to discuss the virtues of an anthem.
      - Then they will need to create working groups to review anthem options.
      - Then they will need a 7 day seminar to review the working group findings.
      - Then they will need to create an executive committee to review the recommendations of the anthem committee.
      - Then they will need to hold a ballot to decide who will write the anthem.
      - Then they will need to form a reconciliation committee to review the complaints raised by those carebears who did not get selected to take part in this process.
      - Then they will need to start the process over again once as the whole process will dissolve into a chaotic shambles.

    2. lol only one that is failing is loyalanon for getting banned for being a bone head when we told him to stop trolling people that kill themselves and those with cancer.

    3. In typical carebears fashion, they are waiting for someone else to write their anthem for them, instead of writing it themselves.

    4. Carebears will just petition to have CODEs anthem nerfed.
      Fukin carebears right

  5. And this ladies and gentlemen is a perfect example of what a cult looks like......

    1. they are a cult with a lot of crybabies that like to attack new players so they can feel truly better about their own pathetic little lives. they thrive when you give them any sort of response. they dwindle when you give the a GF and move on. "GF" CODE really means GET FUCKED. oh and loyalanon fails so hard for getting banned for being a psychopath in local. one less mentally unstable person in CODE is a win for AG and EvE Online daily. however he got banned is a good story. hope we hear it soon.

    2. and AG are the ones who literally kill children in RL

    3. nice one loyalanon same shit here that probably got you banned in the first place in EvE. This is a safe place for you. let out your real frustrations on us. open up your heart. let us know who poo pooed in your breakfast daily.

    4. lol loyaltears. that kid probably deserved it anyway

    5. "that kid probably deserved [to be murdered by his father] anyway"

      The breathtaking hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of carebears - for all to see.

    6. Yo carebears! Whoz the next ag hero to off a kid? Or maybe you guys are pooled to see when BM finally has a chat with Chris Hanson?

      It's been kinda slow, when can we expect some AN HERO to provide us some content?

    7. Freaking carebears!! Why don't you go to the bear cage next time you return to the zoo you call home, and get yourself a good mauling. Take your kids with you.

  6. Sure are a lot of miners that need to calm down these days :)

  7. BUMPING IN EVE IS DEAD. ALMOST :) hahaha. CODE is getting totaled. They will still gank your retrievers and ventures tho. watch out.

    1. Well for a minerbumper choosing targets based on a 100mn mwd fit fleet stabber there really isn't a change here. At least when factoring typical operational issues and scenarios anyway. They warp back if not AFK? Bump again.

      Unless of course ships only barely move after being hit by something that can do over 10km/s if given enough run up?

    2. Even after they update this, there are plenty of tactics that can be used to gank freighters. Gankers will adapt, carebears won't. This will make it nerf #15 or 16 to ganking. When it comes right down to it, CCP can't patch stupid.

    3. "When it comes right down to it, CCP can't patch stupid."

      Nope, they can't. Which is why CODE and their ilk keep having members permabanned: because quite a few of their members are too stupid to learn.

    4. And how many carebears have been permabanned? Many more than CODE, lots more.

    5. Only for actual botting. You know, it's going to come to the point where CCP will have to make a decision. They will have to decide whether to stop the ganking nerfs or do away with highsec ganking all together. Now there's a thought. If highsec ganking is completely done away with, then what will code do?


    6. @anon 1053bm
      CODE will do what it has always done, adapt.
      You will always do what you have done also, rape children, shit post, and brag about your RL credentials.

      Oh and BTW, a GED is not really considered a credential the way you are trying to use it.

      So, how long until your daughter delivers that deamon spawn of yous? She has to be like ready to pop! Or has she just eaten too much government issue cheese?

      Here's a thought, what happens when the authorities find your little rape nest and stop you from fucking your children? What will you do then?
      Hopefully you will AN HERO soon

  8. Glory to the New Order, that had such valiant Agents!!!

    Miners calm down!!!

  9. Still? Even after you quit EvE they are still failing? So it seems you and 412 were not the problem!



  10. This is a story to tell the grandchildren and reflect on!!

    1. Leave out all the carebear correspondence if you are telling small children, you might get arrested

  11. This must be the fake Veers everyone keeps talking about. As for Wolfie Boy, just ignore him. He will eventually go away.


  12. That BM poster must be a retard. He posts the worst shit here, then tries to make excuses for it by blaming others for his fail.

    He should seek professional help before his family suffers even more.
    If anyone knows who BM is RL please send us his name and contact info. We can get him the help he needs to stop molesting his children and beating that giant wife.


  13. Minor miners hate BMApril 23, 2016 at 1:32 PM

    BM does NOT represent AG or hisec miners. He represents a small percentage of sperglord shitposters that everyone else derides.
    He is nothing RL either, nothing but a child rapist.
    We need your help in obtaining his contact info so we can help save his family.
    Hopefully he has not joined the B4R chan yet. If he is in B4R we sbould remember that out of 7 billion people on this planet, we can afford to lose a few like him.

  14. LMFAO!

    So much anger over a game about shooting spaceships. Just a thought kiddies... maybe some of you should go outside once in awhile.

    Just a thought.


  15. And Butthurt Miner, I find your comments amusing, if not a bit childish. It's the sort of thing you would expect from a pre-teen... in either case, it's funny as fuck, so please don't stop.

  16. Check the castle Loyal!


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