Friday, July 1, 2016

Top Supporters for June 2016

Each month, MinerBumping immortalizes its top isk contributors in a hall of fame post. The "Month's Top Supporters" sidebar will begin showing the current month's supporters in a few days. You can view the August 2012, September, October, November, December, January 2013, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January 2014, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January 2015, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January 2016, February, March, April, and May top 10 lists at the appropriate links.

Here are our top isk contributors for June 2016:

June 2016

#1. Avi Shekelstien
6,898,000,000 isk

#2. Alt 00
1,000,000,000 isk

514,000,000 isk

#4. LordOfNipples Udan
500,000,000 isk

#5. Salia Jakuard
200,000,000 isk

#6. Zoe Worclaw
171,000,000 isk

#7. Big Gradner Painhaus
100,000,000 isk

#8. Anwar Jaynara
50,000,000 isk

#8. Batou Vagamar
50,000,000 isk

#10. Dod o'Dixie
25,000,000 isk

Men have sought immortality since time immemorial. Immortality can take different forms, though. For example, thousands of years from now, people will still be talking about--and studying, and celebrating--the achievements of the New Order and its Code. We're in the business of making history, and even our opponents can instinctively sense that what we're doing is important. Reader, your great-great-great-great-great-great grandchildren could be admiring the June 2016 Top Supporters list. And you were alive to see it when it was first posted! What a privilege.


  1. Long live the New Order. Long live James 315, saviour of High sec. \o/

  2. A privilege indeed, James! Modesty - I know - prevents you from blowing your own trumpet; so let me become the whole brass section of the New York Phil.

    Thank you, James 315!!!

  3. Long live 315 and our shareholders!


  4. Four more years!
    Four more years!
    Four more years!


  5. Long live Zopiclone!
    Long live Zopiclone!
    Long live Zopiclone!

    More stories for the grandkids please!

  6. Here is a story for the grandkids. Where is the nerd wolf soprano? Doesn't look like he got his fierce forum posting troll out yet on this post.

  7. Code are nerds that got beat up in high school


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