Thursday, December 1, 2016

Let Them See the Real EVE

The New Order has performed literally hundreds of thousands of kills in the name of the Code. Each one is special, though some are extra special.

Captain WooZ lost an unlicensed Drake while doing missions or some other silly PvE activity. He was ganked by our Agents, of course. The Drake loss was felt by more people than just WooZ, though.

Yes, it was yet another brilliant stream snipe! Why do our Agents love to snipe streams so much? Because it allows stream audiences to see that EVE isn't about mining or other forms of PvE. EVE is about the Code.

The magic was captured on the French carebear's Twitch stream. It was the first time exciting, meaningful gameplay was broadcast to his viewers.

Side note: Officially sanctioned versions of the Code are currently available in English, Russian, German, and Spanish. We're still waiting on a French translation.


  1. Magic indeed, Saviour! This is the sort of thing which enthuses the true friend of Highsec Elite PvP. As the streamer himself put it "Le Gank! Le Gank! Le Gank!"

  2. Wow even with a livestream - antigankers failed to stop ANOTHER gank XD XD XD XD!!!!1

    1. Wolf Soprano is trying to hold onto something here.

      Dignity perhaps.

      Failing Incredibly HARD.

    2. Another Drake dies we all know the other one that ended in tears.

    3. So sad that after all these years Wolfie is still obsessed with AG. I believe the lady does protest too much.

    4. Ahh hang on ....would anti ganking even exist if not for CODE. We are the whole reason you log on lol. Thats a bit obsessive to me. Like killing minors obsessive.

    5. Isn't the whole reason CODE log on is to kill Miners? Pot kettle Black

  3. Hey what's up guys it's scarce here and we have a double upload for today because we have some fucking HUGE stories to talk about. Now our first topic comes from Faze Rain where he tweets: "Just found out a deep dark secret from my girlfriend" and everyone gets worried and then he tweets: "She puts milk before she puts in cereal." like this is fucking crazy i did not expect his girlfriend to do this shit but imma try to stay neutral although im more biased towards rain in this situation. Next topic we have for today is from leafyishere now apparently one of his haters made a video accusing leafyishere of sexually harassing him, like if this is true this is gonna be fucking HUGE. But later leafy tweeted out saying: "i didnt do that" so he didnt do it. and that's it for the video today i hope you enjoyed and if you did please leave a thumbs up and i'll see you later peace.

    1. Ok, I give up.

      Is this an attempt to troll or what?

  4. But where oh where is Ming?

  5. Why do the same highsec PHags that claim CODE is dying spend so much time here posting tears?

    kip wanker and his alts can't stay away!

    Looks like the Code always wins! Always!

    And before anyone clicks that hisecmilitia link just remember, the people that support that site also support RL child murderers.

  6. I remember this one time at bandcamp.

  7. Woooooo wwoooooo im the ghost of anti ganking and i do as much now as i did in game to stop CODE. God himself permabanned me from heaven for killing minors

  8. I believe as of last night, we have a version available in French.


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