Monday, April 10, 2017

Inside the War Room, Part 2

Previously, on MinerBumping... Rusell, champion of the Anti-Ganking channel, held court as he and his fellow rebels discussed their latest plan to stop the New Order from ganking.

Anti-Ganker Tank Huffington's idea to wardec CODE. was quickly dismissed by Jewwey. We'd need to give Jewwey some kudos if not for the fact that the wardec idea has already been proposed and discarded hundreds of times in the Anti-Ganking channel. Rusell's alternative plan was to beg CCP for help.

Honey BoloChews offered up Plan C: Admit defeat and leave highsec. But Rusell's thirst for revenge couldn't be quenched.

Mercury Madullier suggested redefining the victory conditions. For example, Anti-Ganking could declare itself the winner whenever someone moves items in highsec. This was a more realistic goal for Anti-Ganking than, say, preventing ganks.

Another possibility was for the Anti-Gankers to begin ganking miners.

There were practical concerns with that plan, though. Actually, it's a moot point. No rebel movement has ever succeeded in ganking permit-holders because, as it turns out, ganking isn't as easy as the Anti-Gankers assume.

After years of futile resistance, Rusell had nothing but hatred for the New Order and its blog.

Thus far, each idea to stop the New Order had been shot down. Could the Anti-Gankers ever devise a workable plan?

Rabbit Daring suggested a business based on ganker kill rights, but it sounded like too much work. The ideal plan would involve no effort on the Anti-Gankers' part.

When strategizing fails to produce fruit, the rebels always have the option of spending their time complaining.

The discussion turned toward a conspiratorial analysis of the New Order's motives. And yet, we've always made our agenda crystal clear.

Rusell returned to his favorite idea: Begging CCP to remove the bumping mechanic. Stop the flow of water, and the Goons will drown.

Since no one had come up with any way to stop the New Order, the next logical thing to discuss was what the Anti-Gankers should do after the New Order falls.

Whenever the conversation in Anti-Ganking becomes even more cringe-inducing than usual, jaded Anti-Ganker and channel moderator Jennifer en Marland steps in to shut it down. Rusell wrapped things up with a rare admission: After years of continuously nonstop failing daily, Rusell was beginning to lose faith in victory. Even the most committed rebels have little choice but to admit that the CODE always wins. Always!


  1. Holy shit I must be a bad boy for lauhing so hard at these highsec shitters.

    All that bad information drenched in such salty tears, what a group of dipshits.

    Everything the carebears said was wrong. Their reasoning makes me wonder how any of them function in RL without constant oversight.

    Jeezus, what a group of tards. Why do they even play EVE other than just to ruin it for the rest of us?

    EVE is PVP and every time one of those carebears logs in the game suffers.

    HTFU Rus (ag), you bleeding vag.


    1. Ja, wir müssen alle Unerwünschten für unser herrliches Reich zerstören.

    2. Dieser hat einen töpfchen mund Ich glaube, das ist eine Verletzung unserer großen James 'Code.

    3. "Holy shit I must be a bad boy for lauhing so hard at these highsec shitters." You are no a "bad boy", just easily amused.

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    1. Lerne deine eigenen verdammten Comics.

    2. Tweeps is cool, deserves and audience-award!

    3. One of these

      Golden Rules: "If you lose stuff...[to Zopiclone]'s almost always your fault. Really, only yours".

      James 315: "Corp infiltration or "awoxing" of carebears in the name of the New Order is always appreciated as well."

      CODEbears: "Scamming blues is not allowed"

    4. Für was saugen von James 'Hahn? Ein guter Soldat des Reiches muß immer den Dreck ausrotten.

    5. Someone needs to get over that they have to enforce the code outside of the code XDXDXD

    6. They can't handle you Tweeps. These CODEbears don't know how to not give away their ISK.

    7. OMG is he still not getting any from his AG wife? Or Husband?

    8. Wait What? WTF? why would anyone let AG into the Alliance in any serious role??? They can't be trusted. Gorilla, Raven, Zopi, Kolorned. No dice. Is this why we have all this stupid drama? Kick 'em all!

    9. You sound confused.

    10. Sadly AG has infiltrated the upmost positions in CODE and have kicked out any relevant players from CODE. All that remain are CODEbears.

    11. "You ruined it the moment you let CODEbears and AG stay in CODE."

      It's bad for the ecosystem. Notice how there are no big names left in CODE.?

    12. Well there is Salah, but he is ex-AG too isn't he?

      So we just have Loyal's no-name alt, and AG. Oh and Curry Trading.

    13. Speaking of big names, where oh where is Ming?

    14. Is loyalanon still crying about pvped out of EvE by Canada's best?

    15. Spelling police here to assist you. You are missing an action word like "being" in there. Being PvPed out of EvE. Being PvPed out of EvE by Canada's best. Well done. GF.

    16. O Canada!
      Our home and native land!
      True patriot love in all thy sons command.
      With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
      The True North strong and free!
      From far and wide,
      O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
      God keep our land glorious and free!
      O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
      O Canada, we stand on guard for thee!

    17. That flood of tears XDXDXD 2ez

    18. Too EZ PvPing loyalanon out of EvE. He can F1 well tho.

    19. Hi Anon 10:42, that's 'grammar police', not 'spelling police'.'Being' is the present participle of 'be', denoting a continuous movement, in the present. You did rightly identify it as part of an 'action word', a verb, though. Canada is a beautiful country, but then most countries have aspects of beauty within their borders. It's a bit like humans...

    20. Send him to a room with a MOOSE.

    21. Klingt wie Sie haben einen Befall von unerwünschten. Du musst das Haus reinigen, bevor du New Eden reinigen kannst.

    22. Rob why do you ALWAYS suck out any fun out of any conversation? Is it because you are old?

    23. Anon353 is triggered.

      That's why he does it, to watch you cry.

      Op success. I mean, look at all the carebear tears shed on this site.

      "Whaaaaaaa! Ganking is bullying! Gankers are hitler!"-every highsec shitter ever.

    24. Jemand bitte das kleine Baby, seine Flasche.

  3. Yo, Tank Huffington (if you read this)

    I have ganked a few permit holders in the past as an "Independant" ganker, unaffiliated with CODE. and friends. EVERY time I have ganked a permit holder I EVEmail the holder and the issuing Agent and explain what happened. EVERY time I have received a thank-you back from the Agent for exposing a criminal permit holder.

    It looks like your "friend" is going to be helping enforce the Code. Because he will never succeed in ganking a non-criminal permit holder, and CODE. don't care if criminals remove their permits.

    You are all bad in the ag community, even Jen, just because she supports the rest of you. Jen is however the only one of you that even comes close to deserving Eve, The rest of you are bad for the game, and bad for the community.

    1. Ja entferne die unerwünschten und unerwünschten von New Eden und mache Eva für die wahren Spieler des Spiels großartig. Heil James.

    2. Yep, me too. Would say more but you're an anon.

    3. Natürlich kannst du nicht mehr sagen, nur ein Soldat und sonst nichts, wer kann mit dem großen Jakobus vergleichen, der das neue Reich führt.

    4. Ist er einer jener Bergmannspflegebären, die sich in der Bewegung verstecken?

  4. Jen's Motto: When the going gets tough, the AG flee to NullSec.

    Just like the rest of those Silent Infinity shitters.

    1. Sie sind wie Schweine, die für die wahren Herrscher von New Eden beendet werden müssen.

    2. Vielleicht jagen sie in High Sec und vernichten sie alle.

  5. So Rusell was preparing for his retirement, sharing some final strategies in hopes that another AG would take up his flaming torch. He then retired to a life of bot-aspirant hauling.

    "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a bot-aspirant in possession of a good ship, must be in want of a ganking." --Jane 315 Austen

    RIP Rusell's 8.8 billion ISK Fenrir.

    1. Abschied von ihm und danke für die unfreiwillige Spende zum Reich von James.

    2. Wer ist diese Jane-Frau? Ist diese James 'Frau helfen, Eve zu reinigen.

  6. Every single time these AG snippets are published, the more I see toddlers screaming I WANT BLANKET. To think these are adults, walking amongst humans.

    1. Und der Grund, warum wir sie aus New Eden ausrotten sollten, muss für das Reich von James sauber sein.

    2. Wir werden die Decke entfernen und sie weinen lassen, bis sie für immer aufhören.

    3. It's "ag", there are no caps in antiganking.

    4. Denn niemand kann auf ungerechte Bergleute kapitalisieren, wir sind der Weg und unser Weg ist der einzige Weg.

  7. wow antigankers are truly failing right now

    1. Back to that AG wife of yours, AGAIN!

    2. Kannst du die Hölle über diese AG-Idioten schließen, du hörst so, wie sie sich immer wieder wiederholen.

  8. "The ideal plan would involve no effort on the Anti-Gankers' part."

    - Comedy gold right there!!

    1. The ideal plan is for them all to leave Eve.

    2. My favorite part is that everyone who comments here ignores the German anti-ganker tears.

    3. I don't think they are crying to be honest

    4. Wie ignorieren Sie uns, während wir uns anerkennen?

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  9. I for one liked Rusell. He will be missed by his friends. If every AG'r was as awesome as Rusell, Code's foundations would be rocked to their very core.

    1. Bull

      Rus is a shitter, an evil, toxic little shitter. Good riddance, if he's gone Eve is a better place.

      He was wishing CCP would patch out pvp, so he's in the wrong game. If he quits, he finally helps Eve.


    2. Foul language is unacceptable under code, terminate yourself.

    3. Ich dachte, Ihr Code entmutigt schlechte Sprache, oder ist das nur für Ihre gierigen Bergleute?

  10. If only Rusell had invested in a cause that wasn't rooted in ignorance. If only he had not blocked out all the evidence that he was destined for failure. Effort is the most rare and valuable thing in EVE so it's regrettable to see it wasted.

    1. It matters not, he was against the righteous cause of cleansing New Eden of greedy miners and it is best that he is gone. Heil James.

    2. Es kann nicht zu spät sein, er kann immer noch mit unserem wunderbaren reich zusammenkommen und helfen, unerwünschte auszurotten.

    3. "Effort is the most rare and valuable thing in Eve"

      True words spoken by a true Knight of James 315.

    4. Diejenigen, die keine Anstrengung zeigen, werden keine Gnade gezeigt.

  11. I am very happy to see this site so active these days. Every post lately has had at least 30 comments, impressive!

    Keep up the good work Saviour, and gallant Knights of the New Order!

    1. Zur Herrlichkeit des Neuen Reiches und Heil Jakobus.

  12. Du solltest nicht einmal hier kommentieren, der Code ist unsere alte Art, mit Unerwünschten umzugehen, wenn du die Kultur nicht akzeptieren kannst, dann geh mit deinen Bergleuten.

  13. Oh, schau dir eine Sorgfalt an.

  14. Beruhige den Bergmann.

  15. Tweeps is cool, deserves and audience-award!

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