Sunday, April 9, 2017

Kills of the Week

The good people of highsec were shocked and horrified this week when they witnessed carebears behaving in a bot-aspirant manner. How could they be so cruel to themselves and to others, by violating the Code? Fear not, citizens; our Agents responded in a swift and decisive manner. Here are the results, from the week of April 2nd @ 00:00 EVEtime through April 8th @ 23:59 EVEtime.

Godsmurf's Bowhead plodded along without a care in the world. He was completely oblivious to the fact that a group of Agents was tracking his every move. Agents Pod Destroyer Molly, Tax Collector Richard, Tax Collector Kittens, Tax Collector BokChoy, Tax Collector Aruka, Tax Collector Hill, Tax Collector KarlMarx, Tax Collector Stroheim, Taxman Daniel, and Tax Collector HongMei brought a fleet of nearly a dozen Tornadoes and blapped the smug right off his face.

The Bowhead was worth 7.5 billion isk. More expensive items were contained in the Fleet Hangar, but the cargo was definitely suspicious.

It was not a good week to be a Code-violating freighter pilot. Walter Kurz passed through Uedama only to be ambushed on the other side. Agents Sex K1tten, BAE B BLUE, Elite Highsec PvP, BAE B PEW, Morrigan Laima, Pure Whyte, karma balancer, reaper Shardani, Another ShadeOf Whyte, GR13Fy, Sophie Whyte, Trump The King, Shazna Solta, FR13NDy, Tawny Rozei, Sherri Rozei, Christine Rozei, Ruby Rozei, Giselle Rozei, PR13STy, and Shanade Rozei pounced on the freighter with a combination of stealth bombers and Catalysts. As a consequence, 11.1 billion isk was liberated from the forces of wickedness. A lot of it was destroyed during the liberation, but still a good result.

Mercuri Thoth had an even more expensive freighter: 11.7 billion isk of unlicensed badness. Though more heavily tanked, Mercuri had no mining permit and no good reason for being in Uedama. An opportunistic Scimitar and a whole load of Catalysts brought down this whale: Agents Manndose, Sex K1tten, Jayson Kusion, Jake Kusion, Justin Kusion, Jackson Kusion, Jason Kusion, Johnathan Kusion, Joel Kusion, Jeremiah Kusion, Jayden Kusion, Joseph Kusion, Tawny Rozei, Joshua Kusion, Ruby Rozei, Trump The King, Sherri Rozei, Giselle Rozei, Shanade Rozei, uninstall 07, uninstall 01, uninstall 06, uninstall 04, uninstall 05, uninstall 03, uninstall 02, uninstall 09, uninstall 08, and uninstall 10.

As we'll see in a moment, Krot Pioner is a wonderful representation of the folly of bot-aspirancy. Already some of the signs are apparent: Visting Uedama in a freighter, fitting illegal ORE cargo expanders, etc. It was Krot's fate to be torn to pieces by a sizable Catalyst fleet, piloted by Agents Jason Kusion, Joel Kusion, Salah ad-Din al-Jawahiri, Jayson Kusion, Jake Kusion, Justin Kusion, Sex K1tten, Jackson Kusion, Johnathan Kusion, Joseph Kusion, Jayden Kusion, Jeremiah Kusion, Joshua Kusion, Tawny Rozei, Christine Rozei, Sherri Rozei, Ruby Rozei, Shanade Rozei, Giselle Rozei, and Trump The King.

And here we have it, bot-aspirancy in a nutshell: Using 851 million isk worth of cargo expanders to haul 5,719 isk worth of cargo.

Members of nullsec alliances often suffer their most expensive defeats right here in highsec. Capierias Janeiros had a 5.5 billion isk Not-Freighter (also known as a "Deep Space Transport"). She came under attack when the taxmen and taxwomen came calling: Agents Tax Collector Richard, Pod Destroyer Molly, Tax Collector HongMei, Taxman Daniel, and Tax Collector Thnx4Loot.

The New Order will not rest until every 'Excavator' Mining Drone is purged from our homeland.

galahade missed two important memos. First, that the Mercenary Coalition isn't relevant anymore. Second, that autopiloting through highsec in a pod isn't a thing--not while our Agents are watching, which they always are. Agent Myevil Gankalt spied the pod and engaged in an honourable 1v1 with galahade.

Over 2 billion isk worth of implants went pop. That must've been a great fight.



    1. Dein Bild scheint ein bisschen glitchy.

  2. woah what a spectacular week of antigankers failing non-stop daily!!!1 XDXD

    1. Still fighting with your AG wife?

    2. Ignorieren Sie ihn, Sie wissen, dass Sie für das reich gut sind.

    3. It could be an AG husband, did you ever think of that?

    4. Kein Code erlaubt keine Unerwünschten in seine Gruppe Wolf kann nicht so sein.

  3. The comments on this site have been unusually full of retarded anonymous AG turds writing in german and crap. When will these anti-gankers learn that the CODE. always wins?

    1. CODEbears always win.,.,., Always.,.,.,.,

    2. Russell learnt the hardway and is sperging hard

    3. Könnte es sein, weil ich Deutsch bin und ich bewundere, wie Sie Bergleute bestrafen?

    4. Just give them some schnitzel and they might go away. Or tacos, I love tacos. Maybe they joined up and fight the miners too.

    5. Ja Code gewinnt immer und meine Freunde werden zusehen und sich anschließen, um den neuen Weg zu verbreiten und die Spiele der Bergleute zu befreien.

    6. I love Germans, german chocolate german beer german cars german beer german rock german beer. AND TACOS.

    7. I wanna be a CODE MONKEY

    8. There is no room in das Code for any monkeys, you must be pure like Heir James. If you are not then you must be eliminated. Heil James.

    9. Hör auf diesen Idioten, der versucht, deutsch zu handeln, ich frage mich, ob er Teil dieses neuen Ordens ist, ich denke, sie sollten diese schwachen Dummköpfe finden und sie treten.

  4. "In EVE Online, any player may attack any other player if they choose to, no matter where they happen to be. This is because EVE Online is essentially a PvP (Player versus Player) game at its core." From CCP's new player FAQ page.

    And carebears still claim EvE is not PvP.

    "EVE Online is essentially a PvP (Player versus Player) game at its core."

    Carebears need to train Reading Comprehension V.

    HTFU or GTFO


    1. Hör auf zu huschen und töte sie nur, wir wissen, dass du sie trotzdem nur zum Spaß tötest.

    2. Hallo Sorgfalt Bär, es tut mir leid, dass du nicht gerne getötet wirst, aber Code hat Prinzipien verabschiedet, die eine gewisse Berufung an uns haben, und wir mögen es nicht, mit deinen unerwünschten sexuellen Wegen verglichen zu werden. Gehen Sie mit Ihrem Freund jetzt und sterben wie gute kleine Bergleute.

    3. Wenn er den Code nicht mag, dann sollte er nicht ein Teil davon sein. Ich habe mehr von meinen Freunden über diese Organisation wegen ihrer Ideale informiert. Wir werden diese Gruppe jetzt größer werden.

    4. Der Feenjunge denkt uns als unerwünscht, wir sollten ihm einen Hahn zeigen und sehen, ob er wie die anderen Sorgfaltbären ist, die sie gerne töten, vielleicht sollte er beseitigt werden, wenn er so weich ist.

    5. Vielleicht ist er nicht alt genug, um Eva zu spielen, vielleicht ist dieses noch mehr sein Alter.

    6. Yes Eve is PvP, like Minecraft is Pvp, WoW is PvP, Monopoly is Pvp, Elder Scrolls online is PvP, Mario Party is PvP, Mario Kart is PvP, Osiris New Dawn is PvP, and so on and so on and so on.

  5. So many angry germans here nowadays. CODE must be winning

    1. Verdammt gerade, wir gewinnen, es ist der Aufstieg des vierten Reiches.

    2. They just need tacos.

    3. Are they angry?

    4. Wow this site got popular with the germans real fast.

    5. Diese Frau denkt, wir sind wütend, weiß sie, dass wir froh sind, hier zu sein, weiß sie, was ihr Code eigentlich für uns bedeutet?

  6. Wolf, wolf who....oh das old has bin who has no Eve account anymore because he is a tool. Yah dis is goot

    1. Don't be hard on the guy, he is married to AG after all.

    2. Dieser versucht, wie ein deutscher zu sprechen, frage mich, ob er weiß, dass er wie ein retardierter Affe klingt? Ich hatte gehofft, dass diese Gruppe solche Unerwünschten aushalten würde.

  7. Replies
    1. Alright we got us a salesman here, didn't you hear that this is a site for agents of the New Order not carebear salesmen.

    2. Und was ist mit diesem Kerl? Eröffnen sie jetzt einen Web-Shop?

    3. I'll have a large number 3 meal with a coke light ice. Don't you dare forget my apple pie either.

  8. Wielkie, teraz mamy nazistów, którzy dołączyli do gry nazistów.

  9. Heil James 315. All miners will report to ze gas site.

    1. I got gas. Lots of gas! OH GOD IM GONNA BLOW!!!

  10. Dis is der 1:00 PM now boarding for Aushwitz.

    1. I got a round trip ticket. YAY

  11. Tudo o que você comedores galo nazi vai morrer.

  12. Hör auf diesen Idioten, der versucht, deutsch zu handeln, ich frage mich, ob er Teil dieses neuen Ordens ist, ich denke, sie sollten diese schwachen Dummköpfe finden und sie treten.

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