Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Top Supporters for July 2017

Each month, MinerBumping immortalizes its top isk contributors in a hall of fame post. The "Month's Top Supporters" sidebar will begin showing the current month's supporters in a few days. You can view the August 2012, September, October, November, December, January 2013, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January 2014, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January 2015, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January 2016, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January 2017, February, March, April, May, and June top 10 lists at the appropriate links.

Here are our top isk contributors for July 2017:

July 2017

#1. zyk0*
3,440,000,000 isk

#2. Zoe Worclaw
3,110,000,000 isk

#3. Black Pedro
1,000,000,000 isk

#3. The Lawton School for Pubbies Who Can't Mine Good
1,000,000,000 isk

#5. Talia Oberyn
500,000,000 isk

#6. Alt 00
315,000,000 isk

#7. QuickSwipe Collier
100,000,000 isk

#8. Aeonaa Kalfren
50,000,000 isk

#9. Average 4chanUser
28,000,000 isk

#10. Angel Eyes Sentenza
15,000,000 isk

EVE has a wonderful history, and the most amazing part of it is the New Order's rise and perpetual triumph. Take a look at the portraits of those who give money to the New Order each month and you'll see the people who will go down in history as EVE's heroes. Well done.


  1. welcome and keep up the good work!

  2. Boy, Jamey has a lot of alt accounts.

    1. Aren't James 315 and all New Order pilots alts of The Mittani anyway? :D

  3. Is Aeonaa your butt buddy or something?

    1. No but Aeonaa never struck me as a CODE. supporter. I know Aeonna hates mining but didn't think that included miners.

    2. Buying shares doesn't equate to hating miners. Many people buy shares to help miners.

    3. Kinda of surprised that 15M made the list, that's only like 1.5 permits.

    4. So Professor, to you this is elite PvP. This is also roleplaying. So that means that you role play a character that is ok with killing unarmed people, now think about that.

      You can accept and play as a person who is actually perfectly fine and happy to promote killing unarmed people.

      A sandbox game allows players to express who they are deep down inside but do not do so in a public setting for fear of reprisal.

      That means you are in fact an actual person who is ok with killing unarmed people.

  4. ehnea I don't hate you or anybody who mines. I gave isk because I think CODE brings game content to eve.

  5. Welcome to the fail blog where they don't believe in nerfing until words hurt their feelings.

    Code failure.


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