Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Bob Goes Forth, Part 5

Previously, on MinerBumping... The ice anomaly turned hot: Agent Bob the Fourth was threatened by a Russian mining fleet operating in the Solitude region. The Russian running the fleet warned Bob that he'd discover the identity of Bob's main character. But before long, it was Bob himself who was in their crosshairs.

The Russian fleet, led by DARIUS ROR, consisted of Skiffs. And boy did they look menacing.

However, Bob is an Agent of the New Order. That means he doesn't back down from a fight. Our Agents rise to meet any challenge, no matter how much the odds are stacked against them.

For the moment, at least, DARIUS was unwilling to give the order for his Skiffs to open fire. Instead, he beat his chest in local. At least, I assume he was beating his chest. I mean, he was speaking Russian.

Bob's Russian was a little rusty, so he decided to speak in highsec's universal language: the Code.

That got a reaction. Bob hoped that this was a sign of progress, though convo invites from miners always look a bit ominous.

DARIUS was now speaking English (mostly). Bob started feeling more confident. Now that he was talking about isk, he was sure to have the miner's full attention.

Suddenly the Russian appeared to be comfortable paying for mining rights. The true test, of course, was whether Bob got something sent to his wallet or not.

Success! One of the Russian's seven accounts transferred enough isk to purchase seven mining permits.

Bob shared the glad tidings with everyone in local. Maybe now that the ice had been broken--so to speak--the other locals would be interested in buying permits.

Minutes later, Bob bumped zozopetal Yazria out of the ice anomaly. When she returned to her keyboard, she found her Retriever sitting outside of mining range with its ice harvesters deactivated. Now she, too, was interested in buying a permit.

In less than an hour, Bob had made nearly 100 million isk selling mining permits. Had the Solitude region finally begun to see the light?

To be continued...


  1. How much money you wanna bet Bob finds the Russian corp mining without their permit in their bio or just straight up AFK.

    1. How much you wanna bet another code agent will shoot up someplace because he didn't get his gank on.

    2. the number of times wolf or karma rage on in here I got money that it will be one of them who goes vegas style.

      They need to be watched or seek help. But I bet they will just comment on here about how great code is like some sycophantic lacky without a mind of their own.

  2. wow antigankers failing in all regions of new eden. I can understand solitude as they have to jump through something that isn't highsec. easiest way to lose them jump into a lowsec system.

    1. He said hisec ag shitters die whenever they leave hisec, and thus are too scared to pursue gankers into lowsec.

      Learn to English anon1010

    2. Whoa calm down murder lovers you seem very stressed, please stay away from your guns and stay away from crowded places, we don't need you guys shooting up another location. Its ok its just a game you don't need to kill real people.

    3. I do remember seeing an antiganking cormorant pilot chase us into low sec............breifly before it was alpha popped and we continued to dest. I do recall " ohh shit " in local from him before warping.

    4. Looks like this guy didn't get the joy of killing an AG pilot. He may go Vegas style for not getting his gank on.

      People be warned Karma may go Paddock, watch for an armed unstable person who likes killing. Code has begun their real life killing spree.

    5. Anon 7:26, firstly, what a wipeout, i am embarrassed as an Australian to learn that you reside in my country, 2nd , calm down parrot.3rd, please get a refund on the education you received as you forgot to comprehend " pop " in the sentence describing his destruction.4th, stay mad that you are upset and cry here daily like a beta male with sand in it's vagina.Always Remember that you are here anonymously and are the one scared of opening the closet door. That is all, carry on crying under this post.........go.

    6. Karma is going full 9/11 seek shelter, hide your children, call the authorities.

    7. Actually laughing that you keep refreshing the comments section like an oxygen starved ag member hoping to get my rock star reply. Just like in game waiting for us to log on so you can fail some more. Where is the so sad anon? I found something really sad for him to cry over. You anon 9:30.

    8. Karma has gone full Shardani before wolf, there is a possibility he may go full vegas. Ensure he doesn't board any planes or he will go full 9/11.

    9. Whoa another agent has gotten triggered, hope he doesn't do like his friend Paddock and shoot up a concert.

  3. There are no antigankers. It's all a myth. No one is really that stupid...

    1. if only that were true.

    2. There are no peaceful code agents, we have proof, just look at the texas college shooting and the vegas shooting, not to mention the endless laughing at the shardan guy who killed his kid.

      Nope code people love death and are going real world with it now.

    3. I never killed a kid.

    4. Oh no its codes child killer shardani, run and hide your kids. Its going crazy Karma is going vegas style and the shardani is in the house, its going full 9/11 now, seek shelter code is going on a killing spree.

  4. Looks like anti ganking was too busy molesting little kids to save the day

    1. Calm down murder lover, don't go Paddock on people. Seek help if your this stressed from a game. We are sorry you didn't get your gank on but you don't need to start shooting people in real life.

      Seek help.

    2. Oh shit this one talking about molesting children, code agents are now moving to another low and targeting children. They will be shooting up schools and attacking kids if they don't get ganks now.

      Call the police whenever you see these guys in RL they may be armed so do so where they cannot see you. Seek shelter once you identify an agent, remember your life has value don't try to confront them let law enforcement disarm them and handle them.

  5. Ever get bumped by code in your freighter only to have some anti ganker in a falcon tell you that "the only way to stop the BIP with anti-gankers forces" is to send him pictures of yourself in the bath as a kid?

    Awkward AF. Those anti ganker pedophiles make Genghis Kahn look sane.

    1. Calm down murder lover, we don't need you going Vegas style on real people.

    2. That's one triggered agent, careful that code Nazi might go full 9/11.

  6. More frustrated impotent anons laying salt at the comments section. If only they were competent enough to press f1 in a video game. This rage of tears leads to animal rights abuse and domestic violence. Please consult a professional before taking out your incompetence on a family member to avoid paying for a 10 million isk permit. Your comments about CODE. reveal possible mental health stress.

    1. Another triggered agent, he may go Paddock please be careful out there people.

    2. Ah shit its karma about to go vegas style.

  7. Karma is going full postal, he may start shooting up a college or trying to hijack a plane, he intends to suicide himself for the code in real life.

    Shelter in place! Call the authorities another code agent has lost their shit and is about to shoot people.

  8. Such compliance! A great victory for The Code! Nice job Agent Bob!

    1. Calm down murder lover. Don't go Paddock on people.


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