Monday, February 12, 2018

Code Ready Gelhan, Part 36

Previously, on MinerBumping... The Gelhan system threatened to become an insane asylum. Mission Ready Mining corp was in a frenzy after its leadership spread the rumor that the mighty CODE. alliance was colluding with The Marmite Collective. The miners desperately needed new leadership: The Agents of the New Order.

When speaking to our Agents, MRM members repeatedly claimed that they were winning the war against the Marmites. Yet the war record for Fly Fearless (MRM's alliance) told a very different story.

Agent Kalorned and his spies noticed that fewer MRM members were willing to stay in Gelhan, even when our Agents weren't in the system. This, too, was inconsistent with MRM's claims of victory.

Meanwhile, the members of MRM seemed to be losing faith in their leaders. They saw the strength and casual awesomeness of the New Order--and found themselves drawn to it instead.

Even so, our Agents had no choice but to terminate the miners until they officially surrendered to the Code.

As time went on, potential defectors presented themselves to our heroes. They painted a picture of MRM that was far darker than that of the leadership's propaganda.

Despite having thousands of members, MRM failed to form even small defense fleets. Few of its pilots were willing to face Kalorned in battle. Not after what they'd seen.

Kalorned yearned for the early days of the siege, when his enemies showed more bravery. He loved to PvP, but all MRM did was run and hide.

Was there truly no one willing to stand and fight?

Our heroes kept a close eye on Gelhan and the neighboring systems. They were looking for evidence that the miners were learning--even taking a few baby steps up the learning cliff--but what they saw next shocked them.

The miners were so unused to fighting that they were incapable of performing basic tasks like viewing their own lossmails.

The coherence of the miners' tears was also declining. If anything, then, the miners were getting dumber.

Our Agents' spies in MRM uncovered yet another bombshell, this time from their internal EVEmails:

MRM leadership was encouraging its members to create neutral alts--and to train them to fly haulers. Were the miners planning a full-scale evacuation from Gelhan?

To be continued...


  1. What's with the 4 screenshots where an individual's name and face are blacked out? Probably CHODE. slave Kalorned talking to himself...........

    And this weekend I mined almost 12 straight hours in a high security system while watching the Winter Olympics. Not a CHODE. slave to be seen......

    1. Unlike Mission Ready Mining I do have a semblance of know-how in the domain of op-sec, I wouldn't want to burn a perfectly good spy now would I :)

    2. Like we suspected, you were chatting with one of your alts.

    3. Not necessarily... some people can get tired of corps that do nothing but mining/mission running. Hence he might have decided to simply rat on this corp to CODE. agent of his choice.

    4. You notice that chodeanon shitter didn't try lying about how much ISK he was making in highsec this time? Although he is still making false claims without a shred of proof, it would seem he's making baby steps himself!

      Looks like the Code always wins, again!


      Maybe NOL has a spot for him?

    5. If you were watching tv you wouldn't know if an Agent were in system.

      Does it hurt to be that ignorant? Or are you so stupid you can't even recognize it.

    6. mining 12 hours in high sec like its something to be proud off

    7. Now that's a butthurt miner. Today I mined 3 billion ISK in Delve with Rorquals.

    8. Somebody has to do something to help these poor miners! Oh wait we are. XD

    9. For the record, NOL is an AWESOME Corp. Kicking butt and taking names! Praise James! I'm proud to fly in HIS Corp.

    10. "HIS" corp is FUNT., but maybe he technically owns NOL.

      But yes! NOL is a very special corp, you should be proud anon1042withnoproofofcodemembership.

      Seriously, you make it hard NOT to poke at you faildo.


    11. Oh please regale us with tales of mining in highsec for 12 hours and the 1's of millions of ISK you made.

      What makes it so funny is how much closer my estimate is to what you lied about making a while back.

      That's also what makes it hust so bad to, eh shitminer?

      Shitminers mine shitore in shitfits for shitpay for their shitcorp. How can you think anything but "shitters" when you think highsec carebears?

    12. Fun fact some younger agents don't know, and the professor can back me up on this one, Currin Trading (James 315) is the CEO of NOL. So it is His corp quite literally.

      Praise James! \o/


      The audio files by Sasha Nyemtsov are exceptional. I highly recommend them.

    14. Jeez, I said technically yes. The same guy owns it. (Not even gonna start on the overuse of literally) Such arduous effort.

      However when you say "his corp" refering to James 315 (the character) it seems the modern vernacular would refer to the corp that James 315 (the chatacter) is in.

      So, "his corp" = the corp James 315 is in. FUNT. . (there's always dots with these guys! Always!)

      Now, let's discuss why some of your newer Agents wouldn't know who Currin Trading is and who runs CODE.? Hell, I'm sure the Professor could educate your most recent dedicants in New Order Lore. He will even make it easy to know it's him by posting as his character. I know; I've heard him do it.

    15. L I T E R A L L Y

    16. Calm down, CHODE. slaves.

      Individuals mining in high sec systems and watching the Winter Olympics at the same time seems to really get you angry. Probably because it serves to highlight your utter irrelevance to a vast majority of high security denizens.

  2. Hmm sounds like they're making a bunch of distro mission bots!

    1. Come on, that deserves at least a "grammahnazzi"!

  3. I like how the Code always wins! Always!

    That's the best time to win!

  4. You wanna know what's missing from ag?

    Just the f.

    faildoing always, guaranteed!

  5. NOL is full of miners.

    That is why they cry in the forums so much.

    1. Epic 30b freighter kill, very, very nice!

      Maybe when I get done being a miner I'll get to help you guys out. Would be a lot of fun. :)

    2. How exactly?

      By being the target anon 4:57 ?

      I would be embarrassed if i had NOL in my employment history.

      They are Trash.

    3. Not anymore! Look again, karma

    4. what a temper tantrum.

    5. I heard that CODE. was some sort of alliance. It's common knowledge that alliance members treat each other with some semblance of respect. i.e. we don't go around taking shits on other corps.

      Friendly competition is one thing, and NOL was definitely bringing it this month, there are some great agents in that corp. But alliance wide trash talking is giving the anti-gankers exactly what they want.

      Congrats Karma, you've destroyed 200 bil in Code assets, and you didn't even have to whore on CONCORD to do it!

      You are the greatest anti-ganker that ever existed. You should ask Thomas for a free griffin bpo. You deserve it!

    6. Karma also shot JFK from the grassy knoll huh?

    7. You are literally the cancer that has made CODE. the softcock paradise of choice for miners who want to brag to their miner mates where and what CODE. are doing.

      So glad Trump the king is draining the swamp and making CODE. great again.

      If you were anything with a spine you would reply with a title instead of the typical anonabeta like the ag that cry daily.


    8. The fact you factor anything that ag does into your enforcement is proof positive you are the problem.

      The only thing they got with me was a front row seat to something exploding.

  6. One of Jameys's slaves goes rogue:

    The beginning of the end for CHODE. as we know it.

    1. Lol you don't know your burn jita or "codeRawoxed" history at all. You gonna be so mad in a few weeks ;D

  7. Salah spotted in AG channel trying to buddy up to AG loooool


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