Sunday, March 4, 2018

Kills of the Week

The Mittani sent his armies into highsec for some real PvP in the annual Burn Jita event this weekend. Cynics may call them war tourists, but I say that anything that results in more dead non-compliants is a Good Thing. Many carebears did die, and are continuing to die. As you probably guessed, Anti-Ganking suffered another agonizing defeat. The few people still willing to try (and fail) to stop ganks are just self-griefing at this point. Behold, from the week of February 25th @ 00:00 EVEtime through March 3rd @ 23:59 EVEtime...

Before we look at any freighter killmails, let's not forget that the miners of highsec were behaving like a bunch of Goofuses this week, too. Persephone Caldwell managed to fit a Retriever worth 791 million isk. Then she lost it. Oh, and her Retriever died, too. Agents Koruma Darrknauv, Lewak, and Kamikaze Enforcement ganked the decadent miner and received some feedback:

You can read her full tears here. According to Persephone, she wasn't bothered by the gank because her loss was "already replaced". Presumably that also applies to the billion isk pod she lost.

"Don't buy a mining permit. Spend 1.1 billion isk on a Skiff instead. That way you can't be ganked." Alas, dayoldpizzafan found out what happens when you take advice from the people who spend all day failing to stop ganks. His allegedly gank-proof Skiff was destroyed by Agents FraCazzo DaVelletri, Maximus Gooseman, Minx Mattel, Salah ad-Din al-Jawahiri, achterlijke, Lewak, darkestkhan Eriker, and Colonel Catpetter.

Yes, the days of the 2 billion isk Hulk are upon us. At first glance, Ami Reeves's exhumer fit doesn't look very decadent. Untanked and light around the mids, but not decadent. However, these days, you always have to factor in those nasty little drones:

Tsk. Agents Salah ad-Din al-Jawahiri, Maximus Gooseman, Minx Mattel, Colonel Catpetter, Lewak, achterlijke, and darkestkhan Eriker didn't let Ami get away with her crimes. Carebears, what makes you think you'll be any different?

Alexis Thermopylae sent over some videos of freighter ganks for your viewing pleasure. Plenty of freighters and jump freighters died, and I suspect we'll be getting an official tally from the Goon press in a couple days. Of course, not all of the week's blingy hauler killings took place during Burn Jita. See below.

aussieblob lost a 41.6 billion isk unfit freighter in a 1.0 security system. So far, so good. But this kill gets even more extraordinary...

Agents Caldari Navy Fleet Admiral, Pure Whyte, SoyBoi Excellence, and Matt18002 had no trouble taking down the freighter. Remind me to ask the Caldari faction navy for that gank fit.

Yes, this was another one of those "bump-tackle until they die from an NPC" kills. aussieblob's stinginess didn't pay off. According to Pure Whyte, "He also paid me ONLY 2b out of the 5b I asked for, for me to release him. These people will never learn." I can't think of too many people who benefited from paying 40% of a ransom.

Here's the big one. Even Money lost a staggering 56.6 billion isk jump freighter. Judging by her name, she likes to play the odds. Apparently she didn't feel it was worth it to buy a 10 million isk permit to protect a 56 billion isk haul. I'd like to see the math on that; she probably forgot to carry a one or something.

Worse yet, she forgot to obey the Code. Agents Tax Collector Larry, Taxman Daniel, Tax Collector Yuna, Tax Collector Alison, Tax Collector AynRand, Tax Collector Stroheim, Australian Excellence, Tax Collector Richard, Tax Collector BokChoy, Tax Collector Kimi, Tax Collector Hill, Tax Collector KarlMarx, Pod Destroyer Molly, Tax Collector Kittens, Tax Collector Shardani, Tax Collector HongMei, Tax Collector Max, Tax Collector Aruka, Tax Collector Buck, Tax Collector Fuemi, I eat RedCrayons, and Dr Hattrick went into action and engaged in elite PvP with the jump freighter pilot. Afterward, they gave her some useful advice in a thoughtful EVEmail:

Let's hope Even Money is mature enough to take their constructive criticism to heart.

throatzilla lost her Noctis, and then Agent Mal Warre gave her a proper punishment for being AFK by crushing her 3.9 billion isk pod.

Crystals and missiles. Carebears, you have no need of such things. Download the Code and plug in.


  1. yay, made it to top kills of the week on two kills :D

  2. Lulzy, even when so many of their alts are Pandemic Horde anti gankers.

  3. ANOTHER epic week! Praise James 315! \o/

  4. Some amazing kills by New Order Logistics. I heard that they are recruiting.

    1. NOL are trash. Never forget

    2. This is your daily reminded that NOL is still trash

    3. Why include them in the alliance then? Why even have an alliance?

    4. It's great that we are providing the chance to give people a break from the now-slightly-tired talk about Shardani!
      NOL forever!

  5. PL shitters were the ones trying to anti-gank lmao. Failing as usual.

  6. What a great week it has been! CODE. shows once again that they are the number one alliance in Eve. And for all of you out there who want to do their part of saving HiSec, it is not too late to join New Order Logistics! Read “Become an Agent” on, join the minerbumping channel, do the Baptism by Concord, and feel the satisfaction of destroying criminal miners.
    But, Wolf, why do you sound so butt hurt?

    1. Thank you for pointing out, I just forgot to sign it with my ingame name.
      /Minx Mattel

    2. I am failing everyday
      /Minx Mattel

  7. Isn't your job to grief? Rather hypocritical to "call" anyone else out for it

  8. Aaugh man, they closed my favorite thread...

    That was pure salt there. Oh well.

    1. "Bumping is a mechanic that at one point was useful, then came the bumpers."

      Damn, it's one of the first lines, and the thread is a kilometer long. Thanks for linking that goldmine - James forgive me, I'll dig into it.


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