Friday, April 27, 2018

Kill Bot-Aspirants Dead

Get your glasses and thoughtful looks ready, readers: It's time for another New Order art mini-gallery, courtesy of Agent Neuro Cesaille.

Some people say Code enforcers are a poison. Actually, the carebears are highsec's poison. We are the cure.

"Why do they hate us?" ask the rebellious miners. Well, it might've been more difficult for them to attract the hatred of the EVE populace, had the miners not abdicated their humanity in favor of bot-aspirancy (and in many cases, full-blown botterdom).

The rebels accuse us of conformity. "You all say the same things, you quote the same things, etc." Conformity? Not so, for our Agents enforce the Code in such a wide variety of ways, like the blooming of a hundred different flowers. It's not conformity; it's community.


Plenty of new shareholders joined up this week, though not quite enough for anyone to earn a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™. However, one particular set of purchases is worth mentioning:

Samantha Ivainesu's generosity is so typical of the New Order. Oh, and by the way, how much isk did the Anti-Gankers dedicate to the memory of AVICII? That's right, you guessed it--a big goose egg. No surprise there.


  1. Made a few hundred million ISK last night while watching the NFL draft on TV and mining in various high security systems. It was very relaxing, and not a CHODE. slave was seen.

    Go Seahawks!

    1. We all know you cry yourself to sleep every night because you lost a spaceship in a videogame, otherwise you wouldn't be here every day pouring your salt everywhere. You're fooling no-one, CHODEanon.

    2. Calm down ganker. I haven't lost any ships in quite a while, and certainly not to CHODE. It's called playing smart.

      I'm just here to help show the futility that Jamey's slaves are engaged in.

    3. Zkillboard is here display facts and to put you in your place.
      Even as you hide in fear beneath the coward's veil of anonymity, you can still see through your own lies as you rage daily at the CODE. Killboard

    4. How exactly is shitteranon709 showing any ganker futility? He posts lies without proof while hiding like a chicken shitter coward.

      No proof, no credibility, no balls. chodeanon is a retard, his sole weapon is posting salty lies about "futility" on the premier ganker blog.

      chodeanon does not belong in EVE and he knows it, that's why he's so mad, he wants so badly to be a real EVE player but he knows he will always be a shitter. Just like ag says about "being ebil IRL if you are ebil in game", he's just a shitter IRL also.

      Being a liar is about as shameful as it gets, right behind coward.

    5. Why do you brag about not playing a game?

      It's like being an actual NFL player, but never actually playing, spending all the games on your phone on the bench. And then bragging about it. What is the rationale? If you dislike plaing EVE so much that you'd rather do something, anything else, why remain subscribed?

  2. 1000 hours in paint. Jokes aside, good to see some more art!

    1. Artist here, these didn't take that long to make in Pixlr, perhaps because i do graphic design for a living. I made a fourth one you can find here:

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the artwork. Well done and death to hisec.

  4. Great artwork! I hope this artist has more where that came from!

  5. Anyone know of a group that runs regular NPSI miner ganking fleets?


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