Thursday, December 27, 2018

Open Ports and Closed Minds, Part 2

Previously, on MinerBumping... Sliver Stones didn't look like much, but after Agent Bing Bangboom removed the miner's Covetor from highsec, Sliver revealed himself to be an extraordinarily dangerous person. No mere miner, Sliver was an "ingineer" capable of hacking Bing's computer through its seven open ports.

Bing is a practical man. He had no desire to be hacked. But our Agent's commitment to the Code outweighed all other considerations. And the fact was, Sliver wasn't in compliance.

Suddenly, Bing received a communication from someone named Dark Evils. Dark Evils happened to be the CEO of Sliver's corp.

"There you go again," scolds the rebellious carebear. "You've gone and ganked members of a corporation full of new players."

"New players" who have been in the game nearly a decade, that is.

Bing suspected that the miner might have given his CEO a slanted version of events. Our Agent set him straight.

Sliver's CEO proved to be equally stubborn. He claimed "new returning player" status, which has become a cliché in these cases. (I played EVE for 8 years and then took a 16-month break. I'm a new player!)

Dark Evils continued:

By coincidence, Dark Evils referred to Sliver as a "computer ingineer", using the same typo as his corpmate. Could Sliver's CEO also be his alt? Or had the "pure hacker" taken over his CEO's computer?

Dark Evils proposed that Bing and Sliver simply part ways. Sliver wouldn't need to buy a permit, and the open ports on Bing's computer would remain untouched.

Bing rejected the offer. The price was too high; he was being asked to set aside his principles and his Code. Bing went on:

The message was clear. Would Sliver/Dark wise up, buy a mining permit, and obey the Code? Or would he do the other thing?

Dark Evils chose the path of the Goofus. Bing could only feel sorry for the miner. For there are many Covetor wrecks to be found along that path.


  1. I always hate to see someone put to a permanent ban.

  2. Agent Bing, you are awesome!

  3. I think it's hilarious, you miners talking shit about BBB. You wouldn't say this shit to him at Vegas; he's jacked. Not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. Y'all are pathetic lol

  4. Hottest dudes?

    Have you been hacked lawrence?
    The bing i remember likes women.

    1. Nothing wrong with hanging out with the hottest dudes. He IS in Code, amiright???

  5. Please continue this story and gank them a few more times. As a player who finds pvp through mining I enjoy having to watch my back while mining or moving freight. #keepevedangerous

    1. Funds my pvp, lol can’t find pvp in a mining barge. Well, not find pvp and fight back that is. Lol. #keepevedangerous

    2. Get a mining permit and you would be a true gallant.

  6. Poor sad miner. You think you know so much, but you will never understand until you embrace the Code; embrace the truth.

  7. Lol I would be gallant for doing such, but by going rogue it keeps that sense of danger ever present. After all, the chase and hunt is just as fun, if not more, than the end result. So, if you see me, try and keep up! o7

  8. Guys, I think this guy is a retired engineer, he knows about ports and even has the ability to permaban.


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