Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Game Masters

Some organizations, such as Silent Company alliance, are known for harboring Code violators. They lead their members to destruction.

Agent Madame Mia has a special heart for members of Silent Company. She eagerly desires for them to get compliant with the Code--or get ganked.

Silent Company member Daz Solett witnessed the death of his corpmate. He was shocked to see Agent Madame do a thing like that.

Then, for some reason, Daz decided to drag CCP into the conflict.

One of the unfortunate side effects of all the "we need more newbros at any cost!" chatter is that some highsec dwellers are led to believe that ganking is against the rules. It is left to our Agents to educate them.

If EVE players and the CCP marketing team focused on recruiting more gankers to the game--as opposed to injector-sucking RMT'ers--we would not have this issue. People who understand the true spirit of EVE do not see phantom provisions.

Daz rummaged around on Google for a moment and proudly produced a CCP article about Rookie Griefing.

CCP has a long list--too long, really--of systems where new players have special protections.

Added to the already-lengthy list are the "Epic Arc" systems, for a total of 35 systems. Crucially, however, the system that Daz and our Agent were in was not among the 35.

The article linked by Daz also defined new players as being 30 days old or less. Daz did not qualify, and neither did his friend/alt who lost the Venture. In short, Daz's research produced a smoking gun--which fired two bullets into the heart of Daz's own argument. What a Goofus!

Madame called Daz on his bluff. After nearly 13 minutes of silence, Daz responded. Apparently he had spent the time drafting his petition to CCP.

Miners like Daz want to rewrite the rules and remake EVE in their own twisted image. But the Agents of the New Order will never allow that.

EVE players, if you enjoy the game, make sure to thank an Agent of the New Order. If not for their efforts, there would be nothing left in the galaxy but bot-aspirancy.


  1. Furthermore, the protected systems do not protect new players from ganking or attacks. CCP clearly emphasizes that they are only protected from "scams", which means it is illegal to recruit a new player in a new player system to your highsec mining corporation.

    1. It's immoral to even have a highsec mining corp.

      ALL highsec miners, regardless of permits, deserve no less than repeated ganking.

      The more miners you kill in highsec, the healthier EVE will be. All of nullsec should spend 1 week in highsec doing nothing but ganking highseec shitters. They deserve no less.


    2. It's immoral to even have a highsec ganking corp.

      ALL highsec gankers, deserve no less than repeated ganking by permit holders.

      The more gankers you kill in highsec, the healthier EVE will be. All of nullsec should spend 1 week in highsec doing nothing but ganking highseec code shitters. They deserve no less.


    3. The problem is, you're too scared to shoot at gankers, that's why they will always own you, and highsec.


    4. The best that shitter has is copypasta.

      Not an original thought in all of ag.


    5. And no original thought in the postings from the CODE cult faithful either. Eve's reputation for having a toxic player culture may not have started with CODE but some of you fucktards are certainly doing your bit to maintain it.

    6. calm down highsec retard, the CODE is here to help you uninstall! send us 10,000,000 isk today, or WE ... WILL ... KILL ... THE ... GAME!!!!!!

    7. Calm down CODE cult member you're making the mistake of thinking that what you do or think matters.

    8. Says the anonymous fucktard whose opinion never matters.
      Protip, anonymous fucktard: if you are anonymous, nobody gives a flying fuck what you say.

      Ever. Also, CCP says you are wrong, and laughs at you, which is another reason you stay anonymous, I guess.

      And the Koreans will instaban you, assuming you even play the game. Which you don't.

      So again, nothing you do or say....matters.


    9. It's east to trigger highsec mining ag shitters, just expose them to the truth that they are not only retards, but they don't belong in EVE.

      Highsec chodeanon shitters are killing EVE.

      CCP should delete highsec

      Keep crying retards, you still can't form an original thought between the lot of you

      Highsec mining ag shitters fail daily!


    10. Apache, why do you think your comment means anything more just because it has a name on it? Another example of the flawed logic that defines the average CODE cultist. If you don't like anonymous comments why not ask the site owner to disable them? That way you won't have to read anything you don't like. Think of it as highsec to protect CODE from the big bad internet.

    11. Why stay in the anonymous closet, restore some testosterone and stop being a girly boy.

      Nobody takes anons seriously, use a name.

  2. How do so many retards find their way to EVE?

    1. Overcuck wardaniloverNovember 14, 2019 at 8:41 PM

      Why do all highsec miners act like retards?

  3. How dare you attack me in a PVP game!??! I'm telling my mom!

  4. hahahahahahaha lol retards

  5. Gotta watch out for those gamemasters... they some shady dudes!!!

  6. You should biomass


  7. Raznaborg Damavik doesn't give two fucks about rookie or starter or SOE Epic systems.

    He can't be reasoned with. He will never.



  8. I have often wondered about a 9 yr miner in eve hanging around the gates of starter systems like a predatory rockspider preying on preschoolers.

    Then i ganked one and never looked back.

    CODE does more for the newbro than credit is given.

  9. If tomorrow, every highsec mining shitter quit like shardani, EVE and the world would be exponentially better off.

    Just remember, shitters, it's miner with an E!


  10. when will william rageclaw return???

  11. Who can be the real master of this game?


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