Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Best Revenge, Part 61

Previously, on MinerBumping... After the threat of an Imperium civil war seemed to pass, aiva naali aka FighterJets GuitarSolo 1000Years resumed his duties as the coalition's chief theorycrafter. He enjoyed the work, but he was perpetually short of funds.

Despite his lack of isk, aiva was determined to buy director roles in Goonswarm Federation. He was tempted to engage in RMT in another game so that he could fund his extravagant lifestyle in this one.

aiva's star appeared to be fading. He confessed that he still had yet to recruit anyone to his all-important highsec mining corp. So much for becoming a highsec "supper power".

Despite the setbacks, aiva's council never lost faith in him. They'd seen him pull off miracles before. He'd do it again.

Financial problems continued to weigh on aiva's mind. His theorycrafting now focused on ways of gaming the PvE system to generate isk.

Reading between the lines, it seemed that aiva's earlier ideas of manipulating the PLEX market had gone nowhere. Otherwise there would be no need to fish for rats.

Money was on aiva's mind, but so was revenge. He still thirsted for Pandemic Horde's blood.

aiva planned to target Pandemic Horde's miners. If he did enough damage, maybe some of them would be driven back to highsec, where aiva could recruit them into his corp.

aiva's council stood back in silence as more and more ideas poured forth. aiva was ready to burn his "lax hours" trump card. Things were getting serious.

If aiva had seemed a bit sluggish and unmotivated before, there was no hint of that now. His theorycrafting engine was running full tilt.

aiva's prolific posting wasn't all good news, though: None of his ideas had been vetted by his council. Most of aiva's best work had been done with their assistance. For now, they simply allowed him to keep going.

At last, aiva came to a stopping point. Huffing and puffing, he awaited feedback from his council. What did they think?


To be continued...


  1. Holy shit part 61?!?


  2. Oh man he is so close, just a few billion more isk...

    1. 25 billion for Aiko, 50 billion for Tweeps, and now he just needs another 100 billion to finalize the deal. All glory to the Goonswarm!

    2. How much RL cash is that? $2500 USD?

  3. Is this guy really selling plasma for plex? Will they let an alcoholic sell plasma?

  4. You guys should give him a titan and let him lead you into glorious battle. Maybe stream it?

    1. i watched where he livestreamed himself biomassing while singing IM A BARBIE GIRL IN A BARBIE WORLD, that was pretty elite, especially when he started smearing peanut butter and cool whip all over himself and referring to tweeps as "my erotica overlord"

    2. that was mayo, not cool whip

  5. Wuuuuuut? A rat fishing fleet? This dude is going to change how EVE is played.

  6. Well if no one else is gonna say it...


  7. i honestly wish you guys could under stand but right watching trip over your own feet trying to work this out is fucking hilarius and you call me a retard yes i will admit that yes i do have adhd and yes i am autistic along with a few other things yeah your right there where you are wrong well ill let you guys fight over that

  8. i slowed down as im also running a team of scientist on a project pretty much every one will enjoy tho this does eat up alot of my processing time as such i dont spend as much time working on eve research tho i make sure that i do research

    1. Oh give it a rest already. If you did even half as much work as you did on "research" and "theorycrafting",you'd have enough isk to hire your own espionage task force*.

      *Loyalty not included.*


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