Today is June 24th, the most important day of the EVE calendar: Code Day. On Code Day, we celebrate the birth of the Code, which was first published eight years ago on a fateful EVE forum thread, all the way back on June 24, 2012. Since then, every June 24th has been a day of great celebration--even over and above the regular celebrations of the New Order's daily victories. And it is a day of thoughtful reflection and remembrance.
I share it with you again today, dear reader.
EVE's history divides neatly into two eras: The pre-Code era (i.e., the time during which all EVE awaited the Code's arrival) and the Code era (i.e., the good part). In a sense, every day is Code Day, but the 24th of June is especially Code Day. It's a great time to think about how awesome the Code is and how lucky we all are to be experiencing it.
- The Seventh Anniversary of the Code
But this particular Code Day, though it draws upon the power of all of the previous Code Days, is different, and special--as we shall see. As the Code era dawned, I projected that the New Order's war to conquer highsec would take approximately eight years. From time to time over the years, I have considered the state of highsec in light of that projection, and each time I have been startled by its accuracy--always right on target. Now, after the completion of the eight years, it is clear that the prediction couldn't have been more prescient.
We have indeed been victorious. We have overcome ever obstacle, whether from a CCP developer or a misguided rebel "leader". Highsec is conquered. The carebears have been cowed and forced into compliance. And although there are naturally intermittent pockets of resistance--bot-aspirants who act out of desperation more than any hope of ridding EVE of the Code--the conquest of our great empire consists of mopping-up operations and policing. Highsec unquestionably belongs to our Agents now.
This result, which was unthinkable to the general population at the dawn of the Code, is today accepted as obvious, inevitable.
It all started with one man bumping miners in a lonely ice field in Halaima. There were skeptics, of course. Following in the footsteps of the EVE-O moderators, a would-be assassin attempted to prevent the creation of the Order by trying to suicide gank me with a tech II fitted Tempest on the first day. My Invincible Stabber emerged unscathed. I continued to bump. Some said it was pointless, a waste of time. "As long as you're bumping me, you can't bump anyone else," they said. "You'll never make a difference." I disagreed. I felt it was the best possible way to make a difference. One man standing on principle for something he believes in--it's the only way a difference has ever been made in the world.
I was right.
- The First Anniversary of the Code
In order to absorb the full weight of the Code's achievement--to appreciate its full power--one must consider the state of EVE when the Code first arrived. In the halls of CCP HQ and in the private chats of CSM members, carebearism and theme parkism was all the rage. None doubted for a moment that EVE could ascend to new heights and attract the subscription fees of millions of new players, if only highsec were a kinder, gentler place. If only... If only EVE weren't EVE anymore.
They lied.
At the time of the drafting of the Code, there were still more nerf "expansions" to come. Despite having already rolled out the summer 2012 expansion (a nerf to wardecs), August saw an "emergency" expansion to massively buff the EHP of mining ships and end Hulkageddon Infinity. For the next expansion, scheduled for December 2012, CCP planned to nerf can-flipping and aggression baiting. Not exactly the stuff of which video game legends are made.
And yet, almost entirely hidden beneath the thick darkness, there was a point of light. In spite of everything, in defiance of the vast, surrounding blackness, it still shone. It represented hope, the possibility that the spirit of EVE was alive, somewhere.
Obviously I'm referring to myself.
- The Second Anniversary of the Code
MinerBumping very quickly became a necessary companion to the Code and to the Order it inspired. The concept behind MinerBumping was actually quite simple. In a game known for lies, treachery, and deceit, I chose to do something radical: I told people the truth. This proved to be highly controversial.
They told you that EVE could be improved only by removing sources of spaceship combat from a spaceship combat game.
But I told you the truth.
They told you that miners and other highsec carebears were peaceful, happy, innocent people, and that anyone who dared to shoot a spaceship in a 0.5+ security system was a despicable sociopath.
But I told you the truth.
They told you that if CCP got more revenue, the money would be spent on fixing EVE's bugs and adding new features, as opposed to it being wasted by CCP on a series of laughably flawed side projects and vaporware.
But I told you the truth.
They told you that EVE could be transformed into a theme park that could successfully compete with all of the countless other theme park games in the market, despite CCP's perpetual failure to create engaging PvE and its use of a UI team that made decisions like "every type of ship should be represented by a square bracket" and "all of our icons should be monochrome because colorblind people will like it".
But I told you the truth.
Just like the name of its author, MinerBumping became a litmus test: Good people instinctively liked it, and bad people recoiled from it. Which made sense, because MinerBumping told the truth. That made some people very angry, even if they couldn't quite explain why.
When carebears first learned of the Code, they assumed that it would necessarily be temporary. "They'll get bored and go away," the miners assured each other. "Someone will stop them," said the rebels. Then, as their anxieties grew to alarming levels: "CCP will get rid of them once they see that they're ruining the game."
But the Code didn't go away. The Code became a fact of highsec life. The fact of highsec life.
- The Fifth Anniversary of the Code
Despite the anger of the anti-Code, anti-truth faction of EVE, the New Order only grew stronger and more powerful; MinerBumping became more widely read and influential. At its core, the war for highsec was a war of ideas. In this war, our enemies were unarmed and seemed to have little interest in arming themselves. They moaned and whined and begged CCP to help them. But CCP couldn't fix its own game; how could it fix carebears? How could anyone even begin to work on solving the myriad problems of the bot-aspirant mind and personality?
Ironically enough, the only thing that could save all those anti-Code Goofuses was the Code itself.
When a newbie goes to a forum and asks for advice on mining in highsec, what do people say to him? "Tank up your ship," they say. They caution, "Whatever you do, don't mine AFK." And, "Use your D-scanner. Watch local." Buried beneath the downvotes, more sage advice: "Buy a permit." Ah, but what the rebels and skeptics on Reddit and elsewhere don't realize is, buying a permit is only one provision of the Code. The rest of it? Exactly the things they told the miner to do. They were instructing the miner to obey the Code, and they didn't even know it! That's how much we've changed the culture, how deeply the Code's roots are planted.
- The Fourth Anniversary of the Code
Despite the righteousness of our cause--or because of it, I should say--many tried to stop us. All of them failed. To be sure, most of the rebels were very lazy about it. And they spent the vast majority of their time sniping at one another and engaging in self-destructive behaviors. But they did try, so their attempts--feeble as they were--must be condemned as failures. Their motives were ignoble, too, so they do not even get credit for making an effort.
There was a bright side to their opposition, though: It attracted the attention of good people who then invariably joined our cause. Countless EVE players wandered into a system, witnessed the outpourings of a whiny miner in local, and stuck around to investigate what was going on. They discovered the Code. They observed its supporters and its opponents. And they came to the conclusion that yes, it was in fact a very good thing that the miner had been ganked.
As a consequence, more good things happened in highsec.
The Agents of the New Order are truly the center of the EVE galaxy. No other group affects so many players or to such a great extent. No one else in EVE is talked about, written about, raged about, or applauded as much as we are. Most players are in highsec, and we command highsec. For the vast majority of EVE players today, the New Order is the only group that occupies their thoughts. They must adapt themselves to us, and our Code--or they must die. And they know it. Or, again, they die.
- The Third Anniversary of the Code
So it was that the Code won. We won everything: We won the in-game fights by prevailing in spaceship combat. We won the meta-game fights by adapting to every change that CCP made to try to save the carebears from themselves. We won the battle of ideas which, being frank, proved to be a rather one-sided affair. Our philosophy and our culture triumphed.
We also won the battle of history.
For all time, EVE will be remembered as the place where it all started. We are, in a word, the game's legacy. Thus, we can tie it all together by saying that the New Halaima Code of Conduct is EVE's Legacy Code. No pun intended.
Now, some people would tell you that legacy code is a bad thing. It's the thing that developers wish they could get rid of so they could update the program with wonderful new features. But in this case, the Legacy Code--the New Order, its Agents, all of it--is the only thing worth keeping. We're the indispensable element of EVE. We keep the game firmly planted in its roots, and thank goodness.
- The Sixth Anniversary of the Code
It is often said that history is written by the victors. We are the victors, so it is only fitting that we have won the battle of EVE's history. Then again, a whiny highsec miner is hardly capable of writing history; his participation is limited to having his profanity-laced tears collected and published in a coherent narrative on MinerBumping.
Regardless, the victory won over these past eight years is complete. And, therefore, the mission of MinerBumping is also complete. This is the final MinerBumping post.
Some loyal, long-time readers have known this was coming. Among those reading today's post are Agents who moved on from EVE many years ago; they have returned here to read what the eighth Code Day post would bring. Hello, old friends. We won.
For many others, the completion of MinerBumping comes as something of a shock. Gasps and double-takes were had. Eyes widened. Jaws dropped. Why? Because they have grown accustomed to a world in which the consistency of MinerBumping's daily posts over an eight-year period was like the rising of the sun each morning. Better, though.
In this moment, the reader wonders what a world without new MinerBumping posts looks like. There are the concerns of the moment: Will aiva naali ever succeed in conquering nullsec on the Imperium's behalf? And what of the crisis in Nakugard? Or even VictorStark Stark's "siege", only just recently declared by that mad miner? These MinerBumping series were still ongoing, not wrapped up in a neat little bow. And what about all of the countless other reports sent in by our Agents?
I discovered early on, in the first few weeks of MinerBumping, that there was far more material in my possession than could ever be published. If MinerBumping ran for a hundred years, I would still have folders filled with the tears of carebears and the victories of our Agents. That's how whiny the miners are--and how glorious our Agents are.
In the time that remains to us, I wish to say a few more things and answer a few more questions.
I want to thank our Agents for being glorious. That includes the elite few who have been permabanned (apparently by mistake, otherwise CCP wouldn't have left the reason blank).
In addition, I wish to acknowledge the New Order's shareholders. Thanks to their generous contributions to the cause, I was able to hand out over two trillion isk to fund suicide gankers. Some shareholders went above and beyond. Henceforth, the side panel of MinerBumping, which normally displays the month's top contributors, will list the all-time top shareholders.
I hereby give all of the shareholders--even those who own but a single share--one final Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™.
Although MinerBumping's posts have come to an end, I will continue to fund the gankers for as long as there is isk in my wallet. It is my pleasure to accept isk for that purpose indefinitely. I will also continue to hold the reins of the mighty CODE. alliance. But the truth is that Code enforcers don't need anyone to tell them what to do. They have the Code. It is written in their hearts, and they have burned its wisdom across highsec.
Which brings me to those who still have questions about a world in which there are no new MinerBumping posts. For one thing, there is great prestige to be had in going back and reading everything again from the beginning. There are over three thousand posts, all of which are worth rereading (yes, even the shareholder updates).
For another thing: MinerBumping hasn't truly ended. Like the Code itself, it is still there to be found, everywhere in highsec. Our Agents are still creating the content each and every day. Find them. Join them. Kill a miner. He deserves it. He is probably AFK. And he needs to buy a permit. They're still only 10 million isk.
Now then, dear reader. You have the Code. Go forth and use it.
...What's that?
Ah. Of course.
One last time.
The face that saved highsec.
And always will.
- 315
Am I a fan of the CODE. ? No.
ReplyDeleteDo I hate the CODE. ? No.
I am sympathetic to you, I can identify with your play style, you make me laugh, you show me the facets of people and hand me right here all the tools needed to get along with you.
And you conduct yourself well, you stick to the matter, you won´t get personal and stay professional. I always find a maybe not defending but explaining word when miners grief about the loss of pixels.
Since yesterday I actually like you, showing respect and pausing your official duties in exchange for some simple human empathy, letting a hauler pass, even congratulate him to his birthday in local and honour his person. The man in question is Chappy.
In the conversations aired during his birthday bash, aka WWC, he expressed respect for you, saying you're as much a part of this game as anyone else. I share his opinion and just wanted you to know how this excellent example of public relations reflects on you.
Should you ever get me, should my gameplay demand some carebearing to feed my other addictions in this game and I was not careful enough, i'd happily pay the 10m for a permit. Although I may not agree with all of the New Halaima Code of Conduct I would oblige book the payment as an re-imbursement for content provided and your interpretation of this big sandbox.
Fly dangerous, stay healthy.
And remember Chappy,
may he have many more good days in New Eden to come.
Kind regards,
M. V.
Chappy Late Birthday Chappy!
DeleteMinerbumping isn't over. Check back here soon for details.
DeleteOh boy! Anon 9:29AM wasn't kidding! There is a new minerbumping!!!
Thanks James. You showed the way. See you on the other side.
haha midwayminer, James has rejected your paltry bribe, and he would rather shut the blog down than give you a tip of the hat! good day sir!
ReplyDeleteWell written Aiko, as always, I wish you well in the future.
ReplyDeleteThanks James - your stamina/work over the past 8 years has been incredible, I can't think of a single person who has done more to shape and influence EVE Online and its players. Enjoy whatever it is you'll be doing now!
ReplyDeletePraise James! We have completed EVE!! \0/
DeletePraise James! o7
ReplyDeleteI've had so many good times on this blog, goodbye everyone.
ReplyDeletePraise James!
ReplyDeleteA really great blog, sad to see it go, wishing you all the best
ReplyDeleteGreat job Aiko, you finally won. I'm proud of you.
ReplyDeleteAnd there is no more tethering at random citadels.
ReplyDelete>Thanks James. You showed the way. See you on the other side.
ReplyDeleted'aww that was really nice Aiko.
What a circlejerk, James and his alts just congratulating themselves over and over
DeleteWow are you accusing us of being self-congratulatory? Have you never given yourself a pat on the back? No? That's sad :(
DeleteHe never had a reason to, he's a pissed off highsec anon loser.
Deleteit was nice to be part of it, great content has been created and awesome articles shared, a goodbey from the Smurf family
ReplyDeleteThank you for everything James, you have kept us all entertained for so many years with your wit and unwavering dedication to saving highsec. All the best for the future.
ReplyDelete- Pix Severus
I can't believe it! At the very hour I make peace with MB it is ending :(
ReplyDeleteBut EVE is still dying, and I can't put my finger on why.
I returned this year because of extra time at home due to COVID restrictions. Last time I'd logged on before that was 2017. I swear there are 5k - 10k fewer players online at any given time in 2020.
There is something lamer about EVE today. I don't know if its the trashy daily giveaways to entice people to logon, or free SP instead of being patient and using what you've got, or local chat where there used to be amusing banter and now everyone is silent, or how they keep throwing dumb events into the game now instead of just relying on its mechanics to provide inherent interest.
Anyways, thanks to all the anons here: in all my teasing I never forgot you are real people with real worth.
Thanks especially to Prof. Lawrence for being civil from the start: you are a truly upstanding person. Please check your EVEmail occasionally: when my smartbomb Orca is ready I want you to be the witness to my Trial by Concorde.
And obviously not least to James 315. Anyone else would've permabanned me long ago. He is a true practitioner of freedom of speech.
And He is spot on about the nature of EVE: who wants to play a game like a robot, filled with other players playing like robots?
Praise James
Goodbye Midway we had some fun times o7
DeleteWe certainly did :) All the best ingame and IRL :)
DeleteYou too midway :)
DeleteThank you James. It has truly been a lot of fun. Long live the Code!
ReplyDelete- Guybertini o7
I'm floored. James 315, your wisdom, influence, and dedication cannot be understated. A rising tide lifts all boats. Following your teachings turned me from a lonely, cynical coward into an outgoing optimist able to stand up for what is true and right. Thank you so much for everything you have done.
ReplyDeleteI'm proud to see your corp so high on the list. It will be there forever. Well done.
DeleteThank you Midway. I'm sorry that you seem to have missed the cutoff. At least you made your peace before it was too late, and didn't end up going out like a Goofus. I'm overjoyed that you have been inspired to take up the mantle of ganking. The losses you incur will be eligible for New Order SRP paid from the pool you have helped to fund (see the Gank page) although I'm pretty sure smartbomb Orcas aren't included! :D
DeleteI don't check my evemails anymore, as I've been retired for for two and half years now; with the end of this blog my involvement in the metagame would seem to be concluded. You may meet a mentor in the in-game minerbumping channel.
Message to the Saviour (PBUH): Having relieved Yourself of the burden of crafting daily posts, and still being in charge of the of collection and disbursement of funds, will you please clarify whether you intend to keep the tallies on the Shareholder's page up-to-date? The associated recognition and immortalization are big incentives for those of us with sizeable fortunes left to burn.
Professor, as you were one of our finest Fleet Commanders, should you ever find yourself in need of additional firepower one day in some far distant world or galaxy, then be sure to call on me!
DeleteI can't picture eve online without James 315 and CODE.
ReplyDeleteBest advice for life in general.
True wisdom is rare in the world.
Praise James 315.... the supreme protector.
The New Order, CODE, and the Code remain unchanged. All that has changed is the the Saviour has ceased His daily ministrations because the Code has been successfully incorporated into EVE culture. Heck, even CCP jumped on board by creating high-powered NPCs that randomly destroy inattentive miners, thus augmenting our force. Now we just maintain the status quo.
ReplyDeletePraise James 315, The Savior of Highsec!
ReplyDeletecardboard is a vegetable!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat happened next???
ReplyDeletenever forget Shardani...GREER
ReplyDeleteMiners disgust me.
ReplyDeleteRiveting comment.
DeleteOn point.
ReplyDeleteill miss coming here every day :((((
ReplyDeleteI LOVE YOU JAMES!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have made a shrine dedicated to James so that he can eternally protect me me from carebear mauls or homicidal ag moderators.
ReplyDeleteI MISS JAMES 315 :(
ReplyDeleteJames my love for you is eternal.
ReplyDeleteWe'll meet again
ReplyDeleteDon't know where don't know when
But I know that we'll meet again some sunny day.
Cardboard is a vegetable.
ReplyDeleteThe weather is nice with James :(
ReplyDeleteIts been an honour supreme commander
ReplyDeleteYou're the man James
ReplyDeleteAll rise for James.
ReplyDeleteOur James, who art in Halaima
Hallowed be thy name
Our James, hear us from Halaima
Forgive miners we pray
Hear our song
As it rises to Halaima
May Your glory fill the system
As the waters cover the seas
See our ships
And remove any of them
That are standing in the way
Of coming to You today
Praise James!
I MISS YOU :((((
Our Father, in Arvasaras,
DeleteAwareness came to Him.
His kingdom come,
His Code be done,
in game as it always should be.
Give us this day our daily post,
and forgive us our trash talk,
as we forgive those we ganked with our blasters.
And lead us not into malice,
But deliver us from weakness.
For thine is the Order,
and the power, and the glory.
For always and always,
I never truly got to end hauling in highsec, but our little group forced CCP to change the game so much to prevent the death of hauling. Sad day to see the end of minerbumping, but just a handful of people influenced the game far more than that of every carebear combined.
ReplyDeleteIt's been an honor fighting for the CODE. oh mighty Savior of High-sec. Long live the CODE. and praise James 315!
ReplyDelete- Shadow Cyrilus
ReplyDeleteIt's been an honor being part of this Crusade,
ReplyDeleteWe'll keep going on til there is no more EVE.
Long live the Code,
Praise James 315, Saviour of Highsec!
I miss James :(
ReplyDeletePraise James!
ReplyDeleteWhile this is wonderful (if inevitable) news I am also saddened that such a beloved institution as this blog has been has come to a close.
I believe the accomplishments of CODE reflect well well beyond high-sec.
I've done it all in EVE and I'm retired now but I don't think I'd have though to take risks and do imaginative things without CODE's example that you can do anything in EVE.
Thanks for the journey.
Thanks for all the content!
ReplyDeleteThe Code will live forever inside us all. *Theme song from the movie Titanic plays*
ReplyDeleteI miss you James. I hope you are not mad at me or the other Agents, I'm sorry we should have tried harder to make you pleased with us.
ReplyDeleteOh man CODE agents are jumping off the cliffs, they are all so distraught.
ReplyDeleteYou'll be missed James - You did a wonderful job out here,and changed Eve in so many ways. 07
ReplyDeleteThanks for everything James!
ReplyDeletePraise James 315! Our lord and Savior and Supreme Protector of Hisec. Thank you for all of your work and the wonderful content. You'll be missed.
ReplyDeletePraise Our Saviour of Highsec, James 315! The wisest leader of all leaders to have touched our lives! Long live his total and eternal victory over the foul and despicable bot-aspirant! As he had won already when he first begun, he has both won in exactly the same, and greater intensity! A Paragon of Everything that is Right and Just in Eve! As James 315 ASCENDS, may we all carry on his great and noble legacy! PRAISE JAMES!
ReplyDeleteBut where oh where is M-
DeleteFit your cat
DeleteOh there you are I've been asking where you are
DeleteMing there you are buddy. I've been asking where you were
DeleteLet it be written that the Saviour in his final hour hath declareth victory over the bot-aspirant plague that the noble Agents of the CODE. have long fought to contain.
ReplyDeleteEven should the Saviour fall silent on the eve of our victory, our fight does not end so long as we wish it to continue. Keep your Neutron Blasters heated and your permits ready to issue at a moment's notice.
Scum never rests and neither does The CODE.
Praise James!
Praise James! You have always been an inspiration to the EVE community! They will sing songs of CODE.’s demise in the antiganker channels, but we will continue to enforce the CODE in your name!
ReplyDeleteThank you for making my EVE experience a rich and enjoyable one! Long live James 315! Long Live The Code!
ReplyDeleteThe Code Always Wins! Always!
Ilithyia Borgia/Mal Warre
James :(
ReplyDeletei miss James!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great and epic moments!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMinerbumping saved me from being a carebear and from burning out of Eve.
ReplyDeleteRoleplaying as an unhinged James315 cultist, bumping, ganking, awoxing, arguing in chat with pissed off carebears... there was an art to it that I loved. You never got mad, never cursed someone out. Just the cognitive dissonance of telling someone that they were the bad guy for mining The Savior's ore, while we were the good guys trying to bring justice... it would flip them out. I never would have thought that saying "calm down, miner" could be the worst, most triggering thing you could say to someone in a game.
The time I spent doing Code shenanigans was the best time I ever had in this game. The friendships I made last even longer than my time playing the game. It was a strange pride to see my goofy shit make the blog. It all might have cost me my original account, but I still count it all as worth it.
I still have no idea who James315 was, if he had an alt he was playing on in null or if the Code stuff was it. The blog was updated so frequently (had to be the most of any Eve blog) that I often wondered if there was even more than one person writing. He made a movement that was beyond himself, and like it or not, influenced highsec in a big way.
James you magnificent bastard- thanks for all the fun.
Thank you for your service Zazz.
DeleteI don't know if you saw this -
A SACRED ICON bearing your name and likeness was commissioned last year.
It's not roleplay!!!!
DeleteJames is God :(
DeleteI can't live without minorbump.
Delete@AnonymousJune 25, 2020 at 5:03 PM
DeleteThat is beautiful, warms my icy cold pirate heart <3
James :((
Deletedamn im ordering two
ReplyDeleteYour gonna have to hurry cause im ordering the whole stock
ReplyDeleteHow long will you remain loyal?
A fitting final post to an amazing run. Your stamina and dedication to the cause are truly heroic. Looking back at all that has happened, we really did win, didn't we? The Code has reshaped the face of highsec and the very game itself. One shivers at the thought of what this game might have become if you and your brave agents hadn't worked so tirelessly to be the very embodiment of what Eve Online was meant to be. You brought Eve through some very dark times, and while the whole game isn't perfect yet, we have turned the corner and the developers are finally taking inspiration from your teachings. They are even going as far as to implement NPC simulacrums of Code Agents to help make highsec miner better people, and better Eve players!
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt that if and when highsec really needs you again, you'll be back in some form or another to lead us from darkness. Until then, enjoy your well deserved pause and rest easy knowing your domain will be well tended to by your faithful knights.
Let's face it, how can it not? Because the Code always wins, always!
it was fun cant wait to see what future brings
ReplyDeleteGood luck aiva
DeleteWhere is James???
ReplyDeleteThere will always be a place for you in my heart, James.
im ready for a new minerbump post
ReplyDeleteFly safe.
ReplyDeletewhen is the new minerbump??
ReplyDeleteim ready for the next post!
ReplyDeleteWithout minerbumping my life has no meaning :(
ReplyDeleteSomeone please make minorbump 2 I cant live without minorbump
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to have been a part of such a great movement in what was a great game (at the time). Like some others I was on the verge of quitting as I was playing solo. I was solo pirating and really wanted something more. Then James 315 came along and it changed my entire Eve Online experience for the better. I still remember the first time meeting James in some random Highsec system with me being flashy red as I just killed someone for the salvage (before the salvage nerf) and James said how I was doing a great job. Was a big deal for me at the time as I was some no name pirate having the leader of the New Order and savior of Highsec saying what I was doing was great work.
ReplyDeleteI've had more fun playing Eve with the New Order and CODE. in the time I was active than any other game combined. It led to some great efriends and even some IRL friends. Not to mention the amazing fun we all had roaming around Eve high/low/null looking for fights/ganks.
Thank you for everything James 315, without you none of this would have been possible. And thank you to the New Order/CODE. agents, everyone else who helped with logistics, scouting, scooping, bumping, and all the pirates who joined in and yes anti-CODE for bringing it all together and making this sandbox more fun!
Fly dangerously.
April fools was 2 months ago James :(
ReplyDeletethis is a mean prank :(
James I'm ready for your next post!!
ReplyDeletePraise James 315 ﷺ \o/
ReplyDeletewhen is the next post??
ReplyDeleteIve never gonna a day without a new post I cant handle this.
ReplyDeleteok im ready for the next post!!
ReplyDeletePlease wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up.
ReplyDeleteA new minerbumping post!
I'm here for the grand re-opening!
ReplyDeleteA life without minerbumping is no life.
ReplyDeleteIt's no secret that I disagreed with James 315's view of miners and those who enjoy casual PvE content. I've been a constant thorn in the side of CODEs agents for over four years for the simple principle of playing EVE Online the way it is supposed to be played: the way you want to play it, not how others try to force you to play it. I've stuck to my guns on that principle without wavering.
ReplyDeleteNow that's said, I have to give credit to James 315 for sticking to his guns on his beliefs and principles, despite our disagreements. CODE has just as much right to play EVE Online the way they want it as well.
Fly safe, and I'll probably see you some of you out there in New Eden.
>I've been a constant thorn in the side of CODEs agents for over four years
DeleteYou've been delusional for over four years. You made no difference.
I miss James :(
Delete>playing EVE Online the way it is supposed to be played: the way you want to play it, not how others try to force you to play it
DeleteWhat if the way you want to play EVE is by forcing others to play the way you want them to?
Oh that's easy! :D
Ick. Even the anons had the dignity to tuck it in for this.
DeleteThanks so much for the permits Prof.!
DeleteI you ever check evemail again you will see I sent you a couple of pics: one of my proud new bio, the other of skills progress towards my smart bomb Orca :)
My final gank will be me :(
ReplyDeleteJames 315 plays the game at the absolute highest level.
ReplyDeleteOh boy, I'm excited for the NEW minerbumping post!!!!
ReplyDeleteI came bright and early for todays post!! I'm gonna be the first comment! Should be coming out in a couple hours :)
ReplyDeleteOh boy just a bit over an hour until the new Minerbumping post
ReplyDeleteI cant wait!!! Its about to come out!!!!
ReplyDeleteooo it should be out any minute!
ReplyDeleteJames probably has bad internet, no worries though I'll wait.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the ride, along your journey in EVE James. And thanks for the memories.
ReplyDeleteLike many in EVE, I started my career out mining and still love mining in the game ( permit compliant at the keyboard) But I loved the interaction with the code players. Can never understand, why so many miners, fought against the interactions with others in a MMO game.
And I'm proud to have donated billions of isks, to the cause. And the friendships made with the likes of Loyal, DJ, Alt, and the many other great agents.
One final word, the isk will keep coming in to the agents, from the miners and industrialists, that understand game content.
the new blog post is coming out today, right?
ReplyDeleteIm patient dont worry James, no need to rush.
ReplyDeleteThe Code made the game fun. Thanks James for playing.
ReplyDeleteXan Staraider
ok ill just wait here for the new blog post
ReplyDeleteshould be coming verryyy soon, right James?
ReplyDeletejames im ganking, i love the blog, can't wait for the next post!!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE this blog, looking forward to reading the next post!!
ReplyDeleteI love this blog, I hope it continues for another 8 years.
ReplyDeleteI hope this blog never ends, keep up the good work James, I can't wait for the next post!
ReplyDeletethis is my favourite blog, here's to 8 more years! \o/
ReplyDeleteHere's to this blog forever and always!!
there's gonna be a NEW post tomorrow!!!!
ReplyDeleteReally? I cant wait!!!!!
DeleteJames, you changed my view of Eve forever, and I'm sure that I am not alone. Eight years ago you made the best move ever made by a player in an online game, and followed it with admirable consistency, dignity, and humour. You won. There can be no doubt about it.
ReplyDeleteWell well, I am confused about what I will read on the internet everyday! Thx for keeping it up for so long, that's dedication.
ReplyDeletePraise James o7
I just woke up and I'm here and READY to read whatever James decides to post here, which should be any moment now.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you buddy, we will wait here and James will return!!!
DeleteMe too!! I'm so excited for todays post!!
DeleteThe post is coming out soon I can feel it!!!
ReplyDeleteAny second now...
ReplyDeleteJames I'm super excited for your next post!!
ReplyDeleteOh man I'm overwhelmed with anticipation, he's been working on it for so long, the next posts gonna be something special.
ReplyDeleteJames please don't be mad at us, we are ready to read your next post and we will read it carefully and appreciate it more!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for todays post!
ReplyDeleteJames is my favourite friend in the world!
ReplyDeleteI'm ready for todays post!
ReplyDeleteJames is really taking his time on this one, the next post is gonna be great!
ReplyDeleteAny moment now I reckon!
ReplyDeleteIt's coming out today, I just know it!
ReplyDeleteim just gonna wait here for the NEW blog
ReplyDeleteoh man, I can't handle the anticipation any longer!
ReplyDeleteIn the end he ganked us all. No more MB. My morning coffee then shit while reading MB routine has been disrupted. I literally started to play Eve after reading MB for 2 years. I am sad.
ReplyDeleteMB posts were part of my daily routine too. The only reason I ever started to play EVE was because of this website, I found this website before I even knew EVE existed.
DeleteLost track of how many times I've opened in the last days... even although I know there is no new post.
Hi James, Please link us to your next writing venture. Your writing regardless the topic is inspiring. - Zopi
ReplyDeleteYes. Please. Real earnestness is... vexing, here, maybe, but your writing is so consistent and quality and funny that I feel we out here in the real world are now deprived of something irreplaceable. But I also know you owe us nothing.
DeleteMinerbumping isn't over. Check back here soon for details.
ReplyDeleteI'm up and I'm ready for todays minorbump!
ReplyDeleteNow I'm mad at Aiko
DeleteI want minerbumping!
ReplyDeleteAiiiiiko whistle whistle whistle
ReplyDeleteHere girl
My gut tells me todays the day, a NEW minerbumping post!
ReplyDeleteI bet that 4th of July post will be AMAZING.
ReplyDeleteWe want a 4th of July special! Who needs fireworks when you have exploding miners!!!
ReplyDeletePraise James!!
ReplyDeleteYah, I bet James has a new post ready for July 4.
ReplyDeleteoh boy, oh boy, my hair always tingles when James makes a new minerbump, i know it's been posted somewhere, oh boy oh boy, im gonna read that new minerbump
ReplyDeletei knew he wouldn't leave us! James has his new blog post at:
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing I lets all join hands and rejoice in the name of James!! I knew he wouldn't let us down like that!
DeletePraise James!!!
Once this article reaches 315 comments, the Master of Halaima may deliver a revelation.
ReplyDeleteOnly 120 comments to go!
ReplyDeleteNeato mosquito!
Nakugard sure is peaceful with no CODE. around.
ReplyDeleteRIP James 315 and the Agents of CODE.
I was looking for the new posts and found them here:
I knew James wouldn't abandon us!
Praise James! \o/
DeleteMeh seems made up